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上海牛津版高一英语下册U1教案设计上海牛津版高一英语下册U1教案设计 高一牛津版下册·学科辅导讲义 上课日期: 年 级:高一学员编号: 学科教师: 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 授课主题 U1 A trip to the theatre 模 式 1 V —— 型类 □□ 测试同步 分 得 家长签字 问题统计: 知识梳理 Part 1 Language Points 歌剧;歌剧院 n. 1. opera 沿着这条路线走,然后左拐,你就能看到歌Go down this road, then turn left and you will see the opera house. 剧院。 The Vienna State Opera and the Sydney Opera House are world-famous. 维也纳国家歌剧院和悉尼歌剧院是世界闻名的歌剧院。 下面(下方)在…… 2.beneath prep. 农夫坐在一棵大树下休息。The farmer sat beneath a tall tree to have a rest.beneath, below, under 【辨析】 ”。below,正式语,还可指“隐藏在事物表面下的下面,相当于★ beneath 在……under或 A four-storeyed parking lot beneath the theatre was not enough.剧院底下四层楼的停车场不够停车。 ……的下面;低于(平面、温度、价值、程度等)below 在★The boss ignores him, for his performance in the company is always below the average. 老板不重视他,因为他在公司的工作表现总在平均水平以下。 的进行之中之下(正下方);在……★under 在……When they woke up, they found a stream had formed and was flowing right under their tent. 半夜醒来他们发现一条小溪已经形成,而且正好从他们的帐篷底下流过。 v.迫使,强迫3.force force sb. to do sth.=force sb. into doing sth. ① 【搭配】 迫使/使/期望/要某人做某事force / get /expect / want sb. to do sth. The robber forced her to hand over the money.强盗逼她把钱交出来。 The President was forced into resigning.=The President was forced to resign.会长被迫辞职。 用力气突破,强行进入 ② force+ n +adj. /adv. He forced the door open.他用力推开门。 他费力地走了回去。He forced his way back. ,含有强迫某人屈服于他人意志或威慑力的意思,其中暴力威胁的意义较强。“强迫” 批注:force意为 因为政治原因,他被迫离开了他的祖国。 He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. (身体的)力量,暴力,武力 n.物理上的)力,force 【拓展】 风力the force of the wind 那爆炸使得玻璃全部震碎了。The force of the explosion smashed the window. 他们束手无策只能诉诸武力。They had no way but to resort to force. 13 / 1 131 / 1 教案设计上海牛津版高一英语下册U1 U1教案设计上海牛津版高一英语下册 Peace can not be achieved by force. 使用武力不能实现和平。 流浪;漂泊 v. 4.wander 她在大街上信步溜达。She wandered aimlessly arou



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