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七选五解题指导 -- 选项中关键词的辨识 A B C D 1 2 3 How can you work out the puzzle ? Now Lets Try Another Kind of Jigsaw Puzzle. A. where there is a will, there is a way. B. a friend in need is a friend indeed. 1. As the saying goes, _________ So we should work hard. Sentence Gap A 有志者,事竟成 患难见真情 A. They performed wonderfully in the opening ceremony. B. What impressed us most was the opening ceremony. 2. We had an unforgettable experience during the sports meet. ________ We us B Choosing the right answer for a gap is like choosing the right missing piece for a jigsaw puzzle. You need to compare the structure ( 结构 ) and the content ( 内容 ). 高考大纲要求 阅读七选五主要考察学生的英语逻辑思维 能力,也就是对上下文之间,层次之间逻 辑关系的判断能力 考查重点: 主要考查考生对文章的整体内容 和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。 选项特点: 主旨概括句(文章整体内容) 过渡性句子(文章结构) 注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义) ? 1. 通读全文,查看主题句,分析结构,了解文 章大意 ? 2. 看选项,简单归类,标识出关键词 ? 3. 看空前空后内容,分析之间的逻辑性 ? 4. 代入选项答案,重点核查逻辑关系 ? 5. 灵活掌握答题顺序 ( 先易后难 ) 骤 解 题 步 Learning another language isnt easy, …… _____ Language learning is cumulative( 积累 ): you cannot put it off until weekend. Distribute your study time Study a different task each time:vocabulary now ,grammar next.etc. A.Study every day . B. If youre asked to listen, practice listening. C.So youll at least have looked at it all. 小标题 Example1 A 标题结构: Tips for Identifying General Ideas Skill 2. 看 内容 。区分同一形式标题的内容,看 句中实词,鉴别不同之处,辨识,标示出关键 词。 Skill 1. 看形式。如果考查段落标题,先看看其 他标题的语言形式, 同一文章 中的几个段落 小 标题 基本上是 同一语言形式 。通常如果其他标 题是名词短语,该题答案也是名词短语;如果 其他标题是祈使句,该题的答案也是祈使句。 与单句 内容 有关的关键词辨识 实词 名词 动词 形容词 句子主干成分 . Keep an open mind. _______ This is a tough market and you may not find a job doing what you want to do. The more flexibility you have, the more opportunities youll be able to apply for. Plus, even if the job wasnt your first choice, it may turn out to be better than you expected. A. Dont limit yourself to certain types of jobs. B. Be always optimistic. A Example 2 主题句 Skill 2 实词,主干 1.Going overseas is a choice for many Chinese students. ______Those disadvantages include money,


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