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PAGE PAGE 1 Unit11 have sth in common with sb. 和某人有……共同之处 a manned spaceship 配备了人的宇宙飞船 leap to a conclusion 一下子得出结论 Look before you leap. 三思而后行 in store 即将到来,就要发生 have sth in store for sb 有…等待着(某人) The future has many great achievements in store for china. 未来有很多伟大的成就等待着中国。 It is likely that……很可能… (sb)be likely to do sth (某人)很可能做… set up 创建,创立 share sth 共享…… share sth with sb 和某人共享…… sth be home to sth ….是…的大本营,发源地,基地 return 回来,归还 return sth to sb 把……归还给某人 return to China=go back to China 回到中国 set foot in 踏进,进入 set foot on the soil of 踏上……的土地 run a company 经营公司 have a positive effect on sth 对……有积极的影响 rely on =depend on 依赖,依靠 come to life 恢复生气,活跃起来 come back to life 苏醒 arrange for sth 安排…, 准备… broad band 宽带 stand out 突出,优于 outstanding adj.显著的,突出的 put forward a plan 提出一个计划 put forward 提出,提前,推荐 rejuvenate the nation by relying on science and education 科教兴国 aim at 旨在,目的在于,企图,瞄准 love sb at first sight 对某人一见钟情 break through 突破,进展 breakthrough n. 突破性进展,成就 make the breakthrough 首创 a deadly disease 顽症,致命的疾病 in all shapes and sizes 各式各样 to name a few 举几个来说 in some cases 在一些情况下 in turn 反过来 view science and technology as key to the development 把科技看作是发展的关键 Unit12 make a living 谋生 apply for a job 申请工作,求职 remind sb of sth 使人想起某事,提醒某人某事; remind sb to do sth使人想起做某事,提醒某人做某事 take sth one step further 把……向前推进一步 lay the foundation of sth 奠定……的基础,打下……的基础 it/sb/sth is believed to be…=It is believe that…人们认为,据认为 set out to do sth=set off to do sth=start out / off to do sth出发/动身去做某事 set out /set off /start/ start out/start off for a place 前往某地 set out to do sth = set about doing = start to do/start dong sth 开始、着手做某事 the story that follows 随后的故事 in company with sb 和某人在一起 keep company with sb 和某人结交 keep sb company 陪伴某人 sth turns out to be = sth proves to be 某事(被)证明是…… on board在潜水艇上,船上,飞机上 from that day on=from then on从那时起 be surrounded by 被……所包围 wonder about sth 对……有疑惑 wander about 四处游荡 begin with sth = start with sth 开头说,以……开始 go on an adventure 做一次冒险 be drawn into 被卷入


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