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句子的翻译 三大从句翻译 英语三大从句 今名词从句—一宾语从句、主语从句、表语从1 句和同位语从句 形容词从句 今状语从句——时间、地点、原因、结果、让 步、目的、条件、转折、方式、比较) 名词从句:概略法 My brother is not what he used to be 我弟弟不再是以前那样子了。 s That nobody was killed or even slightly injured in such a serious accident was incredible 如此严重的事故竞然无一人伤亡,真叫人难 以置信! 定语从句:翻译成定语 像汉语定语一样起修饰限制作用的定语从句可译成 定语。 This is the reason why i am not in favor of revising the plan. 这就是我不赞成修改计划的原因。 . I must make full use of the time there is left to me and do as much as I can for the people. 我要充分利用剩下的时光,尽量为人民多做些事 翻译成并列分句 今对于起补充说明作用的定语从句根据其补充说明的 事项(时间、地点、原因、目的、让步、伴随、结 果等)翻译成并列分句或相应的状语从句 .o We will put off the outing until next week, when we will not be so busy. 我们把郊游推迟到下周,届时我们就不会这么忙了 He is a professor as is clear from his manner 他是个教授,从他举止上可以明显地看出来 翻译成并列分句 o Almost everyone knows the story ofthe dog that worried the cat that caught the rat that ate the grain that lay in the house that Jack built 令几乎每个人都知道这个故事:“杰克盖间房, 房里堆满粮,粮被耗子吃光,猫把耗子抓伤, 狗吓得猫发慌 翻译成状语从句 The thief, who was about to run away, was caught by the police. 令小偷正要逃走时被警察抓住了。(时间状语) .o Einstein, who worked out the famous Theory of Relativity won the nobel Prize in 1921 爱因斯坦由于提出了著名的“相对论”于1921年获 得了诺贝尔奖。(原因状语) 翻译成状语从句 o Nothing is difficult in the world for anyone who dares to scale the height 令世上无难事,只要肯攀登(条件状语) He wishes to write an article, which will attract public attention to the air pollution in this city. 他想写一篇文章,以此来引起公众对这座城 市空气污染的关注。(目的状语) 翻译成状语从句 s He likes Miss Lei, who despises him 尽管雷小姐讨厌他,他却很喜欢她。(让步 状语) * He knocked on the door of the red house which opened right away 令他敲了敲那座红房子的门,很快那门就开了。 (结果状语) 翻译成独立的句子 The problem of development VS environment has now been in the limelight Nowhere is the clash more visible in china where the words largest population faces pollution, deforestation on a large scale. 现在发展与环境已经成为人们关注的中心。在中国 这对矛盾表现得特别突出。这个世界上人口最多的 国家。面临着环境污染和森林大规模减少的侵袭



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