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(以下内容希望对您有所帮助!感谢您的阅读! ) 2018圣诞节英女王致词全文:停下来想一想; the quee n talks of the ren ewed happ in ess and hope brought by her great-grandson, prince george, in this years Christmas message. 在今年的圣诞致辞中,英国女王伊丽莎白二世谈到了重孙乔治王 子降生所带来的幸福与希望。 the 83-year-old mon arch said the arrival of a baby gives people the cha nee to con template the future, and offers viewers a rare glimpse into royal life with previously un see n footage of his christe ning day. 现年83岁的女王在致辞中说,小王子的降生让人们能怀抱着幸 福与希望思考未来,并让人们有一睹皇室生活的机会,而在过去,人 们是看不到小王子受洗的画面的。 addressing the nation from the blue drawing room at buck in gham palace, her majesty emphasises the importa nce of reflecti on as the year draws to an end. 女王在白金汉宫的蓝色会客厅里向全国发表了致辞。在致辞中, 女王强调,随着一年又要接近尾声,反思是非常重要的。 we all n eed to get the bala nce right betwee n acti on and reflecti on, she says in the speech that was recorded earlier this month. 我们都需要在行动与反思之间保持平衡。 女王在本月初录制的演 讲中说道。 dressed in the canary yellow gown she wore to the wedding of prince william and kate middleton in april XX, her majesty tells viewers: with so many distractions, its easy to forget to pause and take stock. 致辞中,女王身着曾在XX年4月参加威廉王子婚礼时所穿的淡 黄色礼服, 对全世界观众说: 纷繁的世界很容易让人忘记要停下来好 好想一想做过的事情。 英国女王XX年圣诞致辞全文 i once knew someone who spent a year in a plaster cast recovering from an operation on his back. he read a lot and thought a lot and felt miserable. later he realized this time of forced retreat from the world had helped him to understand the world more clearly. we all need to get the balance right, between action and reflection. with so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock. be it through contemplation, prayer or even keeping a diary, many have found the practice of quiet personal reflection surprisingly rewarding, even discovering greater spiritual depth to their lives. reflection can take many forms. when families and friends cometogether at christmas, its often a time for happy memories and reminiscing. our thoughts are with those we have loved who are no longer with us. we


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