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剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands 中英文剧本 Snuggle in, sweetie. Its cold out there. 外面很冷,快钻进被窝 Why is it snowing, Grandma? 为什么会下雪?雪是从哪里来的? Where does it come from? Oh, thats a long story, sweetheart. 这说来话长 我想听! I want to hear. 改天再说,快睡吧! Oh, not tonight. Go to sleep. 我还不困,告诉我吧!求求你! Im not sleepy. Tell me, please. Well, all right. 好吧! Lets see. 我来想想 I guess it would have to start with scissors. 我想就从剪刀说起吧! 剪刀? Scissors? Well, there are all kinds of scissors, 什么的剪刀都有 and once there was even a man 从前,有个人的手便是剪刀 who had scissors for hands. A man? 男人? Yes. 是 Hands, scissors? 手拿剪刀? No, scissor hands. 不,是剪刀手 You know the mansion on top of the mountain? 你知道山顶那座古堡吗? Its haunted. 那里在闹鬼 Well... 很久以前 a long time ago, an inventor lived in that mansion. 有位发明家住在那里 He made many things, I suppose. 他发明了许多东西 He also created a man. 他甚至创造出一个人 He gave him insides, 他给他造了器官 a heart, a brain, everything. 心脏 头脑,以及一切 Well, almost everything. 几乎什么都有了 You see, the inventor was very old. 但那发明家年纪很大了 He died before he got to finish 他临死前,尚未完成一切 the man he invented, so the man was left by himself... 所以就留下了那个男孩 incomplete and all alone. 未被完成,并且非常孤单 He didnt have a name? 他有没有名字? Of course he had a name. 他当然有名字 His name was Edward. 他叫爱德华 [Hammering] [Doorbell Rings] Avon calling. 雅芳来拜候你! 你不是刚来过吗? Werent you just here? 不,那是上一季了! No, not since last season. 今天我是来展示新系列眼影 Ive come to show you our exquisite new line of softer colors in shadows, 粉底、唇膏 blushes, and lipstick. Everything you need to accent and highlight your changing look. 配合你瞬息万变的容颜 瞬息万变的容貌?真好! My changing look. Thats good. Well, it goes without saying 另外你喜欢的系列我也有 I have a complete selection of your old favorites... those tried-and-true products 这是本公司一向畅销的 weve all come to depend on. Peg, I never buy anything from you. You know that. 你知我从未跟你买过 我知道!再见,海伦 再见 I know. Bye, Helen. You didnt have to call me, maam. 这个你应该可以自己修理! You could have taken care of this yourself. 那里可以! I could? I dont think so. 只是水管塞了而已! Yeah. Its easy. Your food traps clogged. Thats all.


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