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七年级英语语法不定代词知识点专题复习及练习 一.定义: 代替或修饰不特指的人或事物的代词叫不定代词。 单数 含义 some any no none / / each (every) one either, neither so the other, another 复合不 定代词 不可数 含义 much little, a little all / / / / / 复数 含义 many few, a few ones both others, the others 注:复合不定代词有12个: something(某事), someone(某人), somebody(某人), anything(任何事), anyone(任何人), anybody(任何人), nothing(没事),nobody(没有人), no one(没有人), everything(一切), everyone(每个人), everybody(每个人). 二.不定代词的用法: (1)some和 any 的用法: some一般用于肯定句中,意思是“一些”、“某个”作定语时可修饰可数名词或不可数名词。 eg:I have some work to do today./ They will go there some day. some 用于疑问句时,表示建议、请求或希望得到肯定回答。 eg:Would you like some coffee with sugar? any 一般用于疑问句或否定句中,意思是“任何一些”、“任何一个”,作定语时可修饰可数或不可数名词。 eg:They didn’t have any friends here. /Have you got any questions to ask? any 用于陈述句句时,意思是“任何的”。 eg:Come here with any friend. 小练习:用some和any完成下列对话: Lucy:It’s time for dinner.Would you like to buy________ food for me? Lily:Sure.What do you need? Lucy:Mm,________apples________ chicken and________bread.Oh,I dont have________milk. Lily:Ok.Ill buy________.Do you need________juice? Er,how about________orang juice? Lucy:Good idea!When can we start our homework? Lily:We can start to do our homework at ________ time. keys:some, some, some, some, any, some, any, some, any (2)many和much的用法:   many,much都意为许多, many + 可数名词,much + 不可数名词。    eg:How many people are there at the meeting?    They haven’t got much work to do. 小练习:用many和much填空: 1.there isn‘t__________money left in her bank account(银行账户). 2.you havent got as__________CDs as lve got. 3.we dont see__________foreign visitors in our village. 4.I havent got__________time for study in recent weeks. keys:much,many,many,much (3)few、little、a few、a little的用法: 可数 不可数 肯定 a few(有一些) a little(有一些) 否定 few(几乎没有) little(几乎没有) eg:He has a few friends.他有几个朋友。 He has few friends.他几乎没有朋友。 ? ?? We still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。 There is little time left. 几乎没有时间了。 小练习:用)fe



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