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10 10 PAGE PAGE # Unitl 【短语与表达】 Be concerned about sth. ①担心,忧虑 。例:Please don be concerned about me. ②感兴趣,关心。例: Now the students are concerned about the result of the exam. Be strewn with. 布满…例: Our way ahead is strewn with difficulties. 我们 前面的道路布满艰难险阻 Break up.①粉碎;破碎。例:That ship broke up on the rocks. 那艘船触礁 撞碎了。②散开;解散。例: The meet ing broke up at 12 o clock.③结束。 例: Our marriage has broken up. Check out sth.①调查;查证;核实。例:we 1l have to check her out before we employ her.②查看,观察(有趣或有吸引力的人或事物)例: Check out the prices at their new store. ③(从图书馆等)借出.例:That book has been checked out in your n ame. Come in handy.有用处。例: Dont throw this book away it might come in han dy. Curl up.蜷曲着坐或躺。例: He curled up and closed his eyes. Give away.断裂;倒塌;塌陷。例: Those pillars gave way and the roof collapsed.那些立柱坍塌了,屋顶坠落下来。 Mount to.成为;升级为;达到。例: Debts have mount to the lowest level sin ce1998. On the verge of (doing) sth. 濒于; 接近于; 行将。例: ①We are on the verge of sig ning a new con tract. ② The little girl is on the verge of tears. Pitch in with sb.sth.投入;参与;支援。例:Every one pitch in with that work. Prop sb.sth.up ①撑起; 支起。例: He had to prop up the roof with a wooden post.②帮助;扶持;救济。例: He cant always count on his colleagues to prop him up.他不能总指望自己的同事帮助他 Reason out sth.通过思考想出对策。例;The detective reason out how the crim inal had escaped. Ride sth out.安然度过(难关);经受得住。例:Our company will ride out the prese nt finan cial crisis. Sit out sth.耐心等到结束;熬到结束。例: The sat out the storm at a caf . e Traill away 声音逐渐减弱到停止;逐渐消失。例 :Her voice trailed away to no thi ng. 【修辞手法剖析】 Simile (明喻)is a figure of speech that often uses the words like or as,etc. to make a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in com mon. 明喻是常用like 或 as 等词把具有某种 共同特征的两种不同事物连接起来进行比较的一种修辞手法。明喻的运用使 描写的事物更加形象、生动、具体,给人以鲜明的印象。明喻的表达方法是: 本体像喻体。明喻有以下特点:1)比喻词常用as或like 2)本体和喻体都出 现3)本体和喻体分属不同性质的事物 4)本体和喻体至少在某一点上相似 The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade(L.1,Para.11) The wind sounded like the r


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