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工 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表 POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALY 项目名称 Item: 车型年 / 车辆类 主要参加人 Core Team: QA部QA Dept./ 模具部 Tooling. Dept.; / 工程部 Eng.Dept.  (PFMEA) 过程责任部门 Process Responsibility: 关键日期 Key Date:  FMEA编号N 准备人 Prep FMEA日期D 序号 过程功能要求 潜在的失效模式 潜在的失效后果 严 Process Function Potential Failure Potential Effect(S) 重 NO. Requirements Mode of Failure 度Sev 原材料进厂 原材料规格错误 影响零件性能 10In-coming Raw Material spec is affect parts 4 Material wrong capability 影响后续零件生产 IQC 检查 尺寸检测有误差 affect parts  级 潜在的失效原因 / 机理 频度 Potential Cause(s)/ 别Class 数Occ Mechanism(s) of Failure 供应商送原材料的规格 有错 1 The supplier send the wrong material 供应商送原材料的规格 有错  现行过程预防控制 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Current Process Controls Prevention Detection 每批送货供应商附上材质证 收料员检查送货单 明书 The supplier submit the Material receiver check quality certification delivering list every shipping 1.IQC按送货单核对原材料规 格表 IQC confirm the Raw Material Spec List according to the delivery 送货单标明材料尺寸规格 order. define the SPEC. of raw- 2.IQC按原材料规格表检查原  难检 度Det 9 20 IQC Inspection measure error production next 3 process  The supplier send the wrong material 2  material in the dilivery 材料尺寸规格 , 以每批 2卷,每 Bills 卷3个点检查料厚 IQC check raw material spec according to the Raw Material Spec List,check materials thickness by 3 points per coil,2 8 移至原材料仓 材料转移错误 影响后续零件生产 affect parts 材料标识不明确  入库前材料上贴来料管理票  生产领料时,操作工和 QC对材料进行确认 30 Move Material to mistake the production next 3 Store rawmaterial process 影响后续零件生产 40 存放 材料生锈 affect parts 2 Storage rust of the material production next process 移至生产线 材料转移错误 影响后续零件生产 Move Material affect parts 50 mistake the 3 to Production production next rawmaterial Line process P200T 冲压 ∮6.25 ±0.15 影响客户装配 affect 60 尺寸超差 3 P200T Stamping customer assembly is out of tolerance 2 set the label on the Raw- Un-clear label material before store. 材料入库、出库凌乱 。 按照程序要求,材料先进先 2. 放置周期过长。 出。 1. Un-sequence in and 4 Frist in first out out store. 2. long term store 材料标识不明确 入库前材料上贴来料管理票 2set the label on the Raw- Un-clear label material befo


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