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.精品文档. 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创 PAGE1 / NUMPAGES19 2017年中考英语解析版试卷阅读理解之环保问题精选汇编   环境保护   (2017#8226;浙江衢州)D   Heritage(遗产)is traditinal usts, ulture and beliefs(信仰). e use the wrld “heritage” in any different ways. Peple talk abut their faily heritage, their ity’s heritage, and their untry’s heritage.   Tday, heritage is hanging. The Internet nnets peple arund the wrld. In any ways this is a gd thing, beause we an learn abut the heritage f ther untries, and we an shw ur wn heritage t the wrld. Hwever, se peple wrry that traditinal heritage is disappearing. Think abut it. In any ways, untries are being re and re alike(相似的). In ust abut every untry arund the wrld, yu an find aDnald’s, Nike Shes, Starbuks ffee, and Aerian vies. Se peple think this is a gd hange, and thers dn’t like it. yu an deide whether r nt yu think it’s a gd thing. Hwever, everyne wants t prtet their traditinal heritage, and seties this is hard. Fr exaple, when a new aDnald’s pens in yur twn, a traditinal restaurant ight have t lse.   This is why heritage prtetin is s iprtant. Heritage prtetin is a siple idea. It eans keeping yur untry’s r yur ity’s heritage alive. Peple d this in any ways. The biggest part f heritage prtetin is prbably preserving(保护)ld buildings. A few ther exaples f heritage prtetin are aking sure yur hildren speak yur traditinal language, and teahing yur heritage t hildren.   The wrld is hanging very fast. This hange brings a lt f gd things. But as the wrld is hanging, it is iprtant t reeber the heritage f ur parents and ur grandparents.   42. The exaples in the send paragraph are used t__________.   A. desribe peple’s lve fr heritage   B. shw the iprtane f heritage   . help peple better understand heritage   D. express the writer’s feeling abut heritage   43. Arding t the passage, any untries are being_________.   A. greatB. siilar. largeD. friendly   44. hih f the fllwing is part f heritage prtetin?   A. Learning fr eah the


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