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,. Review of the Movie Gua Sha I. Summary of the movie The story happened in a immigrant family in America. Da tong and his wife Jenny immigrated into the States and had their baby--Denis there. In order to take a good care of Da tong ’ s father, they decidedolivet with him. The resource of the story was that the grandfather had a traditional Chinese therapy to Denis. However, the American doctor thought that Denis was suffered an extremely serious violence from his parents. So they looked for the lawyer and tried to protect Denis by sending him to the children ’shelter. When in the court, no matter how many words Da Tong explained to the judge, he couldn ’ t believeDenis wasthat just received a therapy and he couldn ’understand what Da tong has explained to him about the traditional therapy. Finally, Denis’ s boss also his friend, went to China to acquire the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After a short time in China learning the basic of TCM, he went back to America and showed the court what he saw and learnt about TCM in China. However, what he had done did not helped Da tong won the lawsuit. Da tong divorced his wife and was punished by the court that he could not see his son and went into their house without permission. Being suffering from a tough time missing his beautiful wife and beloved son, Da tong decided to give them a surprise on the Christmas. He dressed up at as Santa, and climbed into the house and finally the family reunited again. Actually this is a typical movie talking about the cross-cultural communication. Meanwhile, it also mentioned the parental love, romantic love and friendship. All this are of great importance in our daily life. But in my opinion, the cross-cultural communication is the representative aspect that we should pay much more attention to. Definition of cross-cultural communication “Cross-cultural communication (also frequently referred to as intercultural communication, which is also used in a difference sen


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