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Ainy Ainy 晴 Ainy Ainy 晴 五年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part (听力部分) ( )5、 A.)2、 ( )5、 A. )2、A. 星期日 )4、= 选择你所听到①单词) Liste n and choose.(听音, ( ( )1. A. helpful )2. A. Mo nday B. healthy C. hungry C. Sunday B. Friday ( )3. A. san dwich B. salad C. sweet ( )4. A. sing B. .song C. strict ( )5. A. carto on B. clever C. clock ( )6. A. behi nd B .betwee n C. bike ( )7. A. forest B .front C. fresh ( )8. A. play B .polite C. pla nt ( )9. A. like B. live C. lake ( )10. A. wash B. watch C. weeker ) 、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确图片。 、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到①句子。) )1.A. Is he you ng? )1.A. Is he you ng? )2.A.Is there a river in the forest? B. Is he funny? B. Is there a lake in the forest? ()3.A. What ()3.A. What he like? ( )4.A. Are there any ani mals? ( )5.A .I can sing En glish songs ( )6.A. There is a big bed in my B. Whatyour favourite food? B. Are there any tall build in gs? B. I can draw carto ons. room. B. There is a photo in my room. B. What would you like to drink?B. I B. What would you like to drink? B. I like a sandwich. B. Can you cook? ( )8.A. I like some water. ()9.A. Can you dan ce? ()10.A. Do you ofte n read books? B. Do you ofte n play football? 四、Liste n and choose.(听问句,选择恰当①答语。) ( )1. A. No, I don t. B. No, I can t. ( )2. A. He is ki nd. B. He is our teacher. ( )3. A. Here you are. B. A san dwich, please ( )4. A. I can play the pipa. B. Id like some water. ( )5. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. Writing Part(笔试部分) ( ) 1 wi ndow A. /??/ B. /a?/ ( ) 2 tea A. /e / B. /i: / ( ) 3 book A. /?:/ B. / ? / ( ) 4 Mo nday A. / e?/ B.尼/ ( ) 5 house A. /a?/ B. /u: / Choose.找出下面单词中意思不同类①一个, 把序号写到前面①括号里。 ( ) 1. A. old B. funny C. fish ( ) 2. A. watch TV B. read books C. water bottle ( ) 3. A. weekend B. beh ind C. in front of ( ) 4. A. fresh B. salad C. healthy ( ) 5. A. river B. swim C. lake 五、 Choose.找朋友,把序号写到前面①括号里 七、 ) O Choose.(选出划线字母组合⑼卖音。把它①序号写到前面①括号里。 1 ( ) hard-working A.说英语 1 ( ) hard-working A.说英语 speak En glish B.辛勤① play football C.洗衣服 () wash my clothes D踢


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