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Word Word 资料 基于 PID 控制的直流电机调速系统 【摘要】:在工业自动控制系统和各种智能产品中常常会用用电机进行驱动、传动和 控制,而现代智能控制系统中,对电机的控制要求越来越精确和迅速,对环境的适应 要求越来越高。随着科技的发展,通过对电机的改造,出现了一些针对各种应用要求 的电机,如伺服电机、步进电机、开关磁阻电机等非传统电机。但是在一些对位置控 制要求不高的电机控制系统如传动控制系统中,传统电机如直流电机乃有很大的优 势,而要对其进行精确而又迅速的控制,就需要复杂的控制系统。随着微电子和计算 机的发展, PID 控制技术应用越来越广泛, 数字控制系统有控制精确, 硬件实现简单, 受环境影响小,功能复杂,系统修改简单,有很好的人机交换界面等特点。 本设计以上面提到的数字 PID 为基本控制算法,以单片机为控制核心,产生占空 比受数字 PID算法控制的 PWM 脉冲实现对直流电机转速的控制。同时利用霍尔传感 器将电机速度转换成脉冲频率反馈到单片机中, 实现转速闭环控制, 达到转速无静差 调节的目的。 【关键词】 :直流电机;单片机;霍尔传感器; PID 控制 【 Abstract 】 : In industrial automatic control systems and a variety of smartproducts are often used to drive electric motor, transmission andcontrol, and modern intelligent control systems, motor control requirements for more accurate and rapid adaptation to the environment have become increasingly demanding high. With the development of technology, through the transformation of the motor, there are some requirements of the motor for various applications such as servo motors, stepper motors, switched reluctance motors and other non-traditional motor. However, insome of the less demanding position control motor controlsystems such as transmission control systems, such asconventional DC motors is a great advantage, but to be preciseand quick control, we need a complex control system. With the development of microelectronics and computers, PID controltechnology becomes more widespread, digital control system, precise control and simple hardware implementation, subject toenvironmental impact, functional complexity, system changessimple, good man-machine interface and other exchangecharacteristics. The design for the above-mentioned basic digital PID control algorithm for the control of the microcontroller core, produced by the digital PID algorithm to control the duty cycle of the PWMpulse to achieve the DC motor speed control. At the same timethe use of Hall sensors into pulse frequency motor speedfeedback to the microcontroller to achieve closed-loop speedcontrol, to adjust the sp


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