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米藏茉痢丛书 BEIJING WORJJAL UNIVERSITY PRESS (附郦英叉) 作者 Gill Pittar 畅綃世界 104个国家和地区的 儿莖教育读物 ?八?Hf花2球111版M 叩牛派启徹MiHy . Molly and Pennyroyal“菇门胃起来午一拄, 叩牛派启徹 MiHy . Molly and Pennyroyal “菇门胃起来午一拄,IS科们rDS?iSf0o ” We may look differerrt bdt we feel the same/ CopymMOfch叶 MoJlf Booti. 2C0 GMH Pitiii 肿d Crm Morrell mimo【ho mof?l right 1? b? raco^mtBed ?b tn? Author and iHustrator o ih?? work AH ir^|he? wrv?a No part of thm b^oK E?y Cx? roproduced or wW2 in any form o by uny nwoni. ?kclror*^. or mccharvcel. Tud photocopyinQ ? 3 fry 期y ,枪z” w f?tn?vai t-yslem erithout the ”朋 p?fm*ss*?n of tih? |ub???h? WA? ill?W**W*flra银册《冬aj?WUt??6他夬孕出版社中B|大 慫地 Ktttcttttlfi 團事在版编日(C I P)期8 (圻J ItW (Pittar9G.) *?(析柏匕)0必 Mc?rrv6UG.? ( WVJ. ft TUX, 4t 加? 范次 EWMM ? 200S.6 Milly Mollv and Pcuns^royal ISftX JM?、YW3l-3 I.*.-. II- r It... ?餌■? VE…’他-、ft... 1VJ612.8S- I?MW*-W StRCIPttftCH字 2005) ?O72456iJ )Ul权合同?记曲7 :01-2005-I03(*霏曲圳) Mil : W 杨代 业M外住人学出版Hull版玄和 4t^?0jimA0i 19 y 峠般编囲 jOO?73) httpr WWW?1川训)?8口1?5 ms A.iittett Jt空嬉4 *色印*金加公idfiJK W 1*: I6hum X 2J?iniii | |6 印戟;0 *啟.JO『字 2008 t|- 7 J|? I W 20)5 q:7M!Sl 次印山 冷 本)迄价 i3S.4(lji 大清早是给奶牛们挤奶的叶间。 米莉和茉莉喜欢字上靴子、蔽上悄子去帮忙。 In the earty morning the cows came 济 to be milked. Milly and Molly lik$j to pull on their boots and hais to help.  农夫海格特知道每头奶牛的名字,米莉和茉 莉也知道每头奶牛的名字。她们是毛毛、花花、 三叶.小菊和派尼傲。 Farmer Hegarty knew his cows by name and so did Milly and MoHy* The? was Buttercup, Blossom. Clover. Daisy and Pennyroyal. 4 4 PAGE # “过来吧.奶牛们广 农夫海格特说。 “过来吧.奶牛们广未莉壮茉莉也说° 奶牛们总是闻起来暖暖的*带着一股青草 味儿,她们温柔地眨着眼睛。 Come on. girls. he called. -Come on. girls/ calld Mill/ and Molly. The cows all smelled warm and grassy and blinked their eyelashes gently.  哎,不全是这样 派尼傲总是与别人不一 样。她总是很生气。她不肯走在后面。 We血 not quite all... Pennyroyal wa$ different. She was always angry. She wouldn*! walk at the back. 6 6 PAGE # 她也不愿走在前面。 钝更不想走在中间。 She \Wuldrt t walk in She \Wuldrt t walk in the front 8 8 PAGE # 挤奶的时候.她不愿意老老实实地九着 派尼傲的火气越来越大。 一天早上.她一生乞把牛奶桶踢翻了。 And she refused to s-tand still to be milked Pe


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