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雅思语法 第五讲 语法问题总结 Yolanda 1 Use It or Lose It! 2 语法常见错误 16 个 ? 动词或句子不能充当主语或宾语 ? 主谓不一致 ? 不及物动词和系动词无被动 ? 及物动词使用错误 ? 冠词使用错误 ? 数的不一致(名词单复数问题) ? 介词使用错误 ? 情态动词使用错误 3 语法常见错误 16 个 ? 助动词使用错误 ? 副词使用错误 ? 连词使用错误 ? 代词使用错误 ? 句子残缺 ? 定语从句使用错误 ? 名词性从句使用错误 ? 平行结构和对称 4 数的不一致 ? Smoking cessation is one of the likely factor that contribute to the development of obesity. ? 有些词或者短语后面一般要加可数 名词的复数。 5 数的不一致 a few few a variety of various other numerous a number of different one of many 6 数的不一致 ? Many teenagers begin smoking habits due to peer pressure but not for any other reasons. ? 有些词后面一般加可数名词单 数。 ? any other another ? each neither ? either 7 数的不一致 ? ( 错 ) China is larger than any country in Asia. ? ( 对 ) China is larger than any other country in Asia. ? 使用比较级是要避免和自己 比较 , 一定要把自身排除在外 . 8 数的不一致 ? There are evidences that rules can lead to childrens anti-social behaviour. ? 不可数名词没有复数 ? information knowledge evidence ? behaviour news 9 数的不一致 ? The datas are a valuable asset to the company. ? data 本身就是复数 ? child —— children species —— species ? datum —— data medium —— media ? phenomenon —— phenomena 10 数的不一致 ? Anybody who do not save money for their retirement will have to accept a lower standard of living in later years. ? 单数代词 ? anybody everybody somebody ? nobody he she it one 11 介词使用错误 ? Many smokers are unwilling to cease smoking despite they have knowledge of ill health effects. ? despite 不是连词,是介词。 ? 类似的介词 in spite of, during, because of 12 介词使用错误 ? Public disorder can lead to damage a countrys economy. ? Public disorder can lead to a countrys economic crisis. ? There are many solutions to deal with the problem. ? There are many solutions to the problem. 13 介词使用错误 ? Traditional buildings are desired sometimes, for the simple reason is that they are of commercial and cultural values. ? for 此处为介词 14 情态动词 情态动词 一般意义 表推测的意义 can/could 有能力(有可能) 做某事 可能会 should/ought to 一定要去


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