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START HERE 浅谈后金融危机时代中小企业如 何走出融资困境 Financing difficulties of SmEs in China has always plagued the survival and development of important issues, and financing costs continue to increase, not enough support bank lending financing environmet nt continues to deteriorate and the serious supply and demand of funds, etc medium enterprises, in-depth research on the basis of timely ntroduction of a series of measures have achieved the desired results. However history has experienced the most severe nternational financial crisis, Chinas survival and development of SMEs experiencing the most difficult course of sever rs in th post-crisis era, the complex and changing international and domestic situation, resulting in a long time to achieve sustainable development impact of SME financing difficulties become more prominent. Timely help SMEs out of the post-crisis era of financing difficulties, has become very urgent and important task 融资难始终是困扰着我国中小企业生存与发展的重要问题之一,而融 资成本的不断提高、银行信贷的支持力度不够、融资环境的持续恶化 及资金供需的严重脱节等,始终是中小企业在融资当中所遇到的难题 近年来,我国政府高度重视中小企业融资难问题,在深入调研的 础上及时出台了一系列措施,也取得了理想的成果。然而,经历了历 史上最为严重的国际金融危机,我国的中小企业经历着生存和发展历 程中最为困难的几年。在后金融危机时代,复杂而多变的国际和国内 形势,造成长期以来影响中小企业实现可持续发展的融资难问题变得 更为突出。及时帮助中小企业走出后金融危机时代的融资困境,已成 当前十分紧迫和重要的一项任务。 rst, the post-crisis era financing difficulties faced by Smes in China (A)is obviously inadequate endogenous financing The so-called endogenous financing, mainly refers to the enterprises in the business activities in which the funds generated, that is, internal financing is the enterprise an generally from the 1980s began to slowly start up and e mportant source of long-term financing. Chinas Smes development of SMEs due to their own capital accumulation also difficult to support the further development of enterprises, and because the long-standing tradition of the role of human factors in the small cooperation between enterprises is also due to the lack of trust between each other and improve the institutional a


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