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ARC:创建圆弧 ARRAY: 创建按指定方向排列的多个对象副本 BOX: Creates a three-dimensional solid box 创建三维实体长方体 BREAK: 在两点之间打断选定对象 CHAMFER: Bevels the edges of objects 给对象加倒角 CHANGE: 修改现有对象的特性 CHPROP: Changes the color, layer, linetype, linetype scale factor, lineweight, thickness,and plot style of an object 更改对象属性 图层 线型 线型比例 线宽 厚度 绘图样式 CIRLE: Creates a circle 创建圆 COLOR: Sets the color for new objects 设置新对象颜色 CONE: Creates a 3D solid with a circular or elliptical base tapering symmetrically to a point 创建一个三维实体,该实体以圆或椭圆为底,以对称方式形成锥体表面,最后交于一点,或交于圆或椭圆面 COPY: Copies objects a specified distance in a specified direction 在指定方向上按指定距离复制对象 CYLINDER: Creates a 3D solid similar to an extruded circle or ellipse but without a taper 创建一个以圆或椭圆为底面和顶面的三侧三维实体 DIST: Measures the distance and angle between two points 测量两点之间的距离和角度 DONUT: Draws filled circles and rings 绘制填充的圆和圆环 DEWIEW: Defines parallel projection or perspective views by using a camera and target 使用相机和目标来定义平行或透视视图 EDGE: Changes the visibility of three-dimensional face edges 修改三维面的可见性 EDGESURF: Creates a three-dimensional polygon mesh 创建三维多边形网格 (以4条边,生成面) ELLIPSE: Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc 创建椭圆或椭圆弧 ERASE: Removes objects from a drawing 从图形中删除对象 EXPORT: Saves objects to other file formats 以其他文件格式保存对象 EXTEND: 将对象延伸到另一对象 EXTRUDE: Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects 通过沿指定的方向将对象或平面拉伸出指定距离来创建三维实体或平面 FILLET: Rounds and fillets the edges of objects 给对象加圆角 INTERSECT: Creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more solids or regions and removes the areas outside of the intersection 从两个或多个实体或面域的交集中创建复合实体或面域,然后删除交集外的区域 JOIN: 将对象合并以形成一个完整的对象 LAYER: Manages layers and layer properties 管理图层和图层特性 LINE: Creates straight line segments 创建直线段 LOFT: 通过一组两个或多个曲线之间放样来创建三维实体或曲面 MIRROR: Creates a mirror image copy of objects 创建对象的镜像图像副本 MOVE: Moves objects a specified distance in a specified direction 在指定方向上按指定距离移动对象 OFFSET: 创建同心圆、平行线和平行曲


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