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Lesson 6 Blackmail
1. ―I’ll tell you, Duke---I’ve been in this town and this hotel a long time. I got friends all over. I oblige them; they do the same for me, like letting me know what gives, an’
where. There ain’t much, out of the way, which people who stay in this hotel do, I don’t get to hear about. Most of’em never know I know, or know me. They think they got their little secret tucked away, and so they have---except like now.
2.Well now, there’s no call for being hasty.‖ The incongruous falsetto voice took on musing note .What’s done’s been done. Russian’s any place ain’t gonna bring back the kid nor its mother neither . Besides , what they’d do to you across at the headquarters , Duke ,you would not like . No sir , you wouldn’t like it at all . ―依我说呢,这事也不用着急。‖他那刺耳的尖嗓音此时带着一种沉思的声调。―事已至此,急也无益,再急也不能让那小孩和她的母亲复生。况且,到了警察局.他们用来处置你的办法,公爵,你是不会喜欢的。真的,阁下,你绝不会喜欢的。‖
3. The Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing mind. It was essential, she knew, that her thinking remain calm and reasoned. In the last few minutes the conversation hadbecome as seemingly casual as if the discussion were of some minor domestic matter and not survival itself. She intended to keep it that way. Once more, she was aware, the role of leadership had fallen to her, her husband now a tense but passive spectator of the exchange between the evil fat man and herself. No matter. What was inevitable must be accepted. The important thing was to consider all eventualities. A thought occurred to her.
克罗伊敦公爵夫人极力控制自己那如脱缰野马般的思绪。她知道保持自己头脑的冷静和理智是至关重要的。方才那最后几分钟的谈话似乎变得非常随便,仿佛他们所讨论的只是一些无关紧要的家常琐事,而不是人命关天的大事。她有意要使谈话照这样进行。她意识到,唱主角的责任又一次地落到了自己的肩上。此时此刻,在她与这个存心恶毒的肥佬之间的激烈交锋中,她的丈夫只当了一名紧张而被动的旁观者。没关系,既然躲不过,就只好去面对它了。要紧的是对各种可能发生的意外变故预作考虑。她突然想出了一个主意。 Lesson 9 Mark Twain---Mirror