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PAGE PAGE 1 Faith can move mountains. 初三 U 初三 Unit 6(教师版) 本讲内容 本讲内容 内容 基本要求 Unit 6 Healthy diet 1. 要求掌握重点单词和词组; 2. 语法点:宾语从句 词汇训练 词汇训练 单词 偏爱 食糖 评论 说明 豆荚 必需的 牛肉 研究 产品 大量 蛋白质 通常的 汉堡包 咖啡 一杯可乐 买(可享受的东西) 三明治 顾客 色拉 标题 医疗的 提供 脂肪 英镑 炸薯条 果馅饼 就座 服务 短语 均衡饮食 乳制品 离开 油炸食物 软饮料 体格检查 减肥 大量 通常 给自己买某物 愿意做某事 同步串讲 同步串讲 Reading What’s a balanced diet ? Doris and Samuel are having dinner in a restaurant. Samuel: I think I’ll have a hamburger, some chocolate cake and a large cola. How does that sound to you? Doris: That sounds terrible! I’ll have a chicken sandwich, a salad, an apple and a glass of lemon tea. I’ve decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks. Samuel: Since when? Doris: Since I had medical examination. The doctor said that I needed to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat, oil and sugar. He also stated that it’s necessary for me to have a more balanced diet. Samuel: What’s a balanced diet? Doris: A balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. Research shows that each day you should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain products such as noodles and bread. And, in general you should have fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat. Samuel: But I believe my diet is balanced. Doris: Really? Do you remember what you had today? Samuel: Oh, the usual things. For breakfast, I had fried eggs and a large cup of coffee with a lot of milk and sugar. Then I treated myself to some ice cream for a snack. Doris: And for lunch? Samuel: For lunch, I had six chicken wings and a cola. Doris: I don’t understand how that is a balanced diet! Samuel: Well, I have many different kinds of food every day. Doris: But all of these kinds of food are unhealthy for you. Samuel: OK, You’re right. I’ll change my diet…… tomorrow. Here comes my hamburger and chocolate cake. decide ___________ 翻译:I decide to camp in the mountains. ___________________________________________ 固定搭配:decide to do ___________ stay away from ______________


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