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PAGE 1 PAGE 1 初三U 初三Unit 5 本讲内容 本讲内容 内容 基本要求 Unit 5 Action 1. 要求掌握重点单词和词组; 2. 语法点:though, although让步状语从句 词汇训练 词汇训练 单词 赞扬,称赞 看,观看 广播稿 导演 化妆 艺术家 演播室 比赛者 在上 在中 向,朝 向前 秒 放松的,冷静的 领先 赢,打败 平静的,安静的 仅有一个人的,单个的 胜利,成功 英格兰 幸运的,运气好的 新闻报道 民意调查 短语 楼层平面图 达人秀 昏迷,失去知觉 保持静止,保持不动 紧急出口 在工作日 同步串讲 同步串讲 Reading SURPRISES AT THE RADIO “Five minutes to go,” shouted the director. “Is everyone ready?” “I’m glad that I’m not one of the contestants!” Denise said. “I’m not that brave.” “Oh, I’d love to be a contestant,” said Angela. Three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting. The hot lights were shining down upon them. Suddenly one of them passed out and fell across her desk. A cameraman helped the woman off the stage. The director hurried down from the control room above. “We need another contestant,” he shouted. “Who among you want to be on TV?” Angela raised her hand. “You’re on!” the director shouted. He led her onto the stage, and a make-up artist rushed forward. She quickly put make-up on Angela’s face and brushed her hair. “Ten seconds,” shouted the director. “It’s time for Travel Quiz, and here’s your host, Lester Li!” said a loud voice. Lester Li ran out onto the stage. The quiz show began. Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. She answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants. Twenty-five minutes later, Angela just had to answer six more questions to beat the other contestants and to win the prize. Denise was so excited that she could hardly keep still. Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right. Soon there was just a single question between Angela and victory. “And finally, where’s Big Ben?” asked Lester. “In England” replied Angela. “Correct!” shouted Lester. “You’re tonight’s lucky winner. You’ve won tonight’s prizea trip for two to the lovely city of Paris!” director n. 导演 拓展词汇: ____________ adj. 直接的,直的 v. 指导,


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