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PAGE 2 PAGE 2 初三上 U 初三上 Unit 4 本讲内容 本讲内容 内容 基本要求 Unit 4 Problems and advice 1. 要求掌握重点单词和词组; 2. 语法点:掌握句子成分 词汇训练 词汇训练 单词 虽然;尽管 情况;状况 很坏的;极讨厌的 优势 懊悔 很生气;气愤 惭愧;羞愧 杂乱;不整洁 尴尬的;窘迫的 使恼怒 建议;提议 评论 规定饮食 有礼貌的 不及格 粗心造成的 要求;请求 考试 短语 节食 对…感到羞愧 让某人受不了 搞得一塌糊涂 格格不入 与某人无关 收到某人信件 嘲笑;讥笑 同步串讲 同步串讲 Reading Aunt Linda’s advice page Anna I’m worried about my friend Jolin. She wants to be a model and she’s thin, but she thinks she’s fat. She’s always on a diet. She’s getting to thin, but whenever I talk to her about this, she gets angry. How can I help her? Peter I went out with a group of friends yesterday. We saw a lady lying in the street. She looked very sick. My friends make jokes about her and laughed. Though I wanted to help her, my friends told me not to. It was awful of them to laugh at her, and I regret not saying anything. I feel ashamed of myself. What should I do in this situation? Simon I’ve just started wearing braces, but I hate them. I don’t see any advantage in wearing them. My friends all laugh at me and say bad things about me. I feel embarrassed when I smile or open my mouth. The braces hurt my teeth, and it’s difficult for me to eat. I feel it was a mistake for my mother to make me wear these ugly braces. What do you suggest? Julie I have to share a room with my seven-year-old sister, and she’s driving me mad! She has a habit of playing the piano when I’m studying, and she always takes my things without telling me. I try to keep the room tidy, but she always makes a mess. I love my sister, but sometimes she’s so annoying! What should I do? Language Points regret meaning:______________ regret + n. / pron. Eg: She immediately regretted her decision. regret + / wh-从句 翻译:很遗憾,我不能接受你的好心邀请 ___________________________________________________________________. regret + to do sth. 很遗憾做某事 Eg: I regret to say you failed the exam. regret + 动名词 后悔做了某事 Eg: I regret taking his advice at that time. advantage ( 反义词:disadvantage) meaning:____


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