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New Concept English Test (Lesson 103-108) 单词拼写 问题 __________ 考试 __________ 错误 __________ 拼写 __________ 携带 __________ 困难的 _________ 聪明的 _________ 图画 _________ 软的 _______ 大声的 _________ 选择题。 1 His father is a man __________ new ideas (想法 ). A. full of B. full with, C. filled of 2 Tom is ________than I. A older five years B five years older C oldest by five years 3. The green suitcase is ________of them all . A heavy B the heavy C heavier D the heaviest 4. The guy sat there and looked ____his paper _____two hours. A at, in B at, for C in, in 5. The English test was ______difficult ______him. He got a bad mark. A too, for B enough, to C too, to 6. I want ______ some meat and milk. A have B have to C to have 7. The boss wanted ____________the letter again. A she, typed B she to type C her to type D. her, typed 8. Please tell him________in the street. A. don’ t play B. not play C. not to play D. to not play 9. It’scold outside. You’d better _________ your coat. A. put on B. to put on C. putting on 10. Amy, here’sa little present _____you. A. to B. from C. on D. for 根据所学课文补全单词 GARY: _______ was the exam, Richard?怎样 RICHARD: Not too bad. I think I passed______English and Mathematics.填介词 The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary? GARY: The English and Maths papers werent easy e________ for me足.够的 I hope I havent f_________. 失败,不及格 RICHARD: I think I failed the French paper. I could answer sixteen of the questions. They were very easy. But I couldnt answer the r_______.其余的 They were too difficult for me. GARY: French test are awful, _______ _______?不是吗 RICHARD: I hate them. I ’ m sure Ive got a low . 分数 GARY: Oh, ________ up! Perhaps we didnt to do too badly. 高兴点 The guy next _______ me wrote his name at the top of the paper.填介词 Then he sat there and looked______ it for three hours! He didnt w_______ 写 a word! ASSISTANT: Do you like this dress, madam? LADY: I like the c________(颜色 ) very much. Its lovely dress, but its _______太 small for me. ASSISTANT: What ______


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