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第26 卷 第6 期 计算机工程与设计 2005 年6 月 V ol . 26 N o . 6 Computer Engineering and Design June 2005 中小型企业应用短信网关开发 吴清强 (集美大学工商管理学院,福建 厦门36102 1) 摘 要:短信息 (SMS-Short Messaging Service)作为一种廉价的无线应用方案越来越受到企业和用户的欢迎和关注。但 是企业无线应用方案令很多资金实力不够雄厚的中小型企业望而却步。通过介绍一种适合中小型企业进行无线应用短 信网关平台的总体框架,在该框架下对短信网关的工作原理及其主要功能进行分析和介绍,并在最后给出一个案例分 析,以描述该短信网关的实际应用。利用该解决方案,希望可以有效地降低企业无线应用的总体成本。 关键词:短信;短信网关;GSM 调制解调器;无线应用 中图法分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-7024 (2005) 06-1669-04 Development of SMS gateway for small and medium-size Enterprise WU Qing-qiang (School of Business Administration, Jimei University, Xiamen 36102 1, China) Abstract :As a cheap scheme of wireless application, the Short Message Service (SMS) gets more and more eyes from the enterprises and clients. But the scheme of wireless application needs enough capitals to implement. This stops the steps of many small and medium- sized enterprises in this area. The architecture of SMS gateway which is suitably applied in the application of wireless region for the me- dium and small enterprise was mainly introduced. In this architecture, the principle of flowchart and the functions were analyzed and presented. At last, one case of practice is sampled to show how the SMS gateway works. With this scheme, the costs of application is hoping to reduce. Key words :short message service; SMS gateway; GSM modem; wireless application GSM Modem 和计算机连接在一起,通过AT Command 命令实 1 引 言 现应用短信网关(SMG— — Short Message Gateway)的功能,无 基于移动电话上的无线应用越来越广泛,市场越来越大。 需接入互联网,无需和移动梦网签约,只需购买一个 GSM 短信息(SMS— — Short Messaging Service)作为一种廉价的无 Modem 和一个 SIM Card 就可以实现短信应用网关。但是由 线应用方案越来越受到企业和



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