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光棍节英文演讲稿:单身一样很美好,享 受自由和年轻 In her tinny flat, which she shares with two cats and a flock of porcelain owls, Chi Yingying describes her parents as wanting to be the controlling shareholders in her life. Even when she was in her early 20s, her mother raged at her for being unmarried. At 28 Ms Chi took “the most courageous decision of my life ”and moved into her own home. Now 33, she relishes the privacy — at a price: her monthly rent of 4,000 yuan ($625) swallows nearly half her salary. 在她和她的两只猫以及一堆猫头鹰瓷器共同居住的蜗居里, Chi Yingying 将她的父母描绘成一直想要控制她生活的 “大股东”。尽管 早在她 20 岁的时候,她老母就为她未婚一事大动肝火。但是 chi 小 姐还是在 28 岁时做了“生命中最勇敢的决定”——搬出去自己住。 现在她 33 岁了,可她任然享受隐私——当然这是要付出代价的—— 她每个月要拿出 4000 元人民币 (625 美元 )来付房租,这个数目将近 工资的一半了。 1 In many countries leaving the family home well before marriage is a rite of passage. But in China choosing to live alone and unmarried as Ms Chi has done is eccentric verging on taboo. Chinese culture attaches a particularly high value to the idea that families should live together. Yet ever more people are living alone. 在许多国家,在结婚之前离开家庭自己住是一个必由之路。但 是在中国,像 chi 小姐这样不结婚却选择独守空房的行为却是在禁忌 中的古怪行为。 中国人将家人们住在一起视为无上光荣。 然而越来越 多的人选择单独住。 In the decade to 2010 the number of single-person households doubled. Today over 58m Chinese live by themselves, according to census data, a bigger number of one-person homes than in America, Britain and France combined. Solo dwellers make up 14% of all households. That is still low compared with rates found in Japan or Taiwan (see chart), but the proportion will certainly increase. 在 2010 年之前的十年之中,单身狗窝的数量已经翻倍。根据人口普查资料,现在已有超过 5800 万的中国人自己住, 超过了美国, 英国和法国的单身住户的总和,占总户口本数的 14% 。当然与日本和台湾相比还是偏低,但是这个比例还在增长。 The pattern of Chinese living alone is somewhat different 2 from that in the West, because tens of millions of (mainly poor) migrant workers have moved away from home to find work in more prosperous regions of China; many in this group live alone, often in shoeboxes. Yet for the most part younger Chinese living alone are from among the better-off. “


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