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清华在线 010工硕考研辅导:语法部分 1.语法考题形式 语法和词汇: 共有10道题,每题2分。前5道题为词汇题;后5道为语法概念题。该部分时间大约8分钟,分值为20分。 2.语法测试要求 掌握基本的英语语法知识,要求能在阅读、写作等过程中能够正确运用这些知识,达到获取有关信息和基本表达、交流思想的目的。具体需要掌握的内容如下: 1. 名词、代词的数和格的构成形式及其用法; 2. 动词的基本时态、语态的构成形式及其用法; 3. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成形式及其用法; 4. 常用连接词、冠词的词义及其用法; 5. 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成形式及其用法; 6. 虚拟语气的构成及其用法; 7. 各类从句的构成及其用法; 8. 强调句型的结构及其用法; 9. 常用倒装句的结构。 第一节 名 词 例题: Mr and Mrs.Smith are so excited today,for they bought yesterday. A.many furnitures B.so many furniture C.quite a few furniture D.a lot of furniture 2. have traveled in space-ships already. A. Women astronauts B. Women astronaut C. Woman astronauts D. Woman astronaut 3. have come up with the solutions to the problem. A. The boy student B. The boys student C. The boy students C. The boys students 4. Li Ying has three . A. brother-in-law B. brothers-in-law C. brothers-in-laws D. brother-in-laws 5. If you are frightened, tell one of . A. the grown-up B. the grown-ups C. the up-growns D. the up-grown 6. The lady over there is . A. Jane and Mary mother B. Jane and Mary’s mother C. Jane’s and Mary’s mother D. Jane’s and Mary mother 7. There were more than there were seats on the plane. A. stand-by B. stands-by C. stands-bys D. stand-bys 8. He needs a . A. few days’ rest B. few days rest C. little days’ rest D. little days rest 9. I borrowed a book of yesterday. A. you B. your C. yours D. your’s 10. Ever since Picasso’s painting went on exhibit, there ______ large crowds at the museum every day. A. is B. has been C. have been D. are 第二节 代词 例题 1. It was who cleaned the dorm room. A. he and I B. him and me C. he and me D. Him and I 2. These machines are better than we used last year. A. that B. what C. those D. which 3. “May I help you with some shoes, sir?” “Yes, I’d like to try on those black .” A. one B. ones C. two D. pair 4. “D


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