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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES8 语法选择语法选择是广州市必考题型之一,你知道做语法选择有什么技巧吗??? 语法选择 从考点上看,语法选择主要集中在时态,介词,搭配,形容词副词及其比较级最高级,连词,感叹句,代词,冠词等。 综上可知,语法选择考察到了初中英语的各项语法,需要我们对语法知识有较好的把握。 答题策略提示: 1.浏览全文,把握文章大意,掌握文章类型,判断全文时态 2.注意空格所在句子,比较所给选项,判断所考查的语法 3.识别短语搭配 常考搭配:动词+介词 eg. laugh at… 动词+副词 eg. run fast… 介词短语 eg. at the age of 4. 运用语法理顺关系。 常考搭配: 介词+宾格 eg. Go to the park with me 物质名词用单数,常考物质名词: beer cake cheese cloth coal coffee coke cotton 不定代词+形容词 eg. something important 情态动词+动词原形 eg. I can fly. 5.细心检查,对比完成后的句子,意思和语法上是否完整。 小试牛刀(PS:找考查知识点) (一) Ten years ago, when Mr. Ted was sixty, he retired. He left the city and ___1___ to his home village. There he bought a small field and planted a lot of ___2___ in it. He took good care of them and that year they had a lot of fruit. The old man was very happy. But at the same time Mr. Red was ___3___. Nearly every night someone ___4___ into his garden and ___5___ lots of his oranges. So he decided ___6___ his best to catch the thief himself. Last night, when it was dark, Mr. Ted ___7___ himself in a corner of his garden and ___8___ watched who would come and ___9___ his oranges. At midnight Mr. Ted was ___10___ tired ___10____ he went to sleep. Suddenly some noise ___11___ . The noise came from a big tree. He went there quietly and saw a boy ___12___ under the tree, with a bag full of oranges. At once he recognized it was Tom, one of his ___13___. “How dare you do that, Tom?” the old man couldn’t help calling out. I’ll tell your father about it!” But the little boy wasn’t 9_______ . He looked up and shouted, “ Come down quickly, Dad, Mr. Ted has something 10______ you.” 1. A. went B. came C. returned D. got 2. A. orange tree B. oranges trees C. oranges tree D. orange trees 3. A. worried B. worrying C. worries D. worry 4. A. breaked B. broke C. breaking D. breaks 5. A. take away B. take off C. took away D. took off 6. A. to try B. tr


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