自主移动机器人导论课件 4 Perception.pdf

自主移动机器人导论课件 4 Perception.pdf

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Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots PERCEPTION WANG Wei Lab of Autonomous Robot Mechatronic System ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Content of this section  Overview  Typical sensors – Wheel/motor encodes – Heading sensors – GPS – Ultrasonic sensor – Laser Range Finder  SICK LMS200  Features 2014/6/11 wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn 2 ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Content of this section  Overview  Typical sensors – Wheel/motor encodes – Heading sensors – GPS – ultrasonic sensor – Laser Range Finder  SICK LMS200  Features 2014/6/11 wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn 3 ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Overview —classification of sensors  Proprioceptive sensors  measure values internally to the system (robot),  e.g. motor speed, wheel load, heading of the robot, battery status  Exteroceptive sensors  information from the robots environment  distances to objects, intensity of the ambient light, unique features.  Passive sensors  energy coming for the environment  Active sensors  emit their proper energy and measure the reaction  better performance, but some influence on environment 2014/6/11 wangweilab@buaa.edu.cn 4 ROBOTICS INSTITUTE, BEIHANG UNIVERSITY Overview —Characterizing Sensor Performance  Basic sensor response ratings——Me


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