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长对话四级;2. 结构分析;2)中间(middle):抓逻辑;3.话题小总 I 学习类;经常出现的问题和答案 Q: Who is the speaker? A: teacher, professor, instructor, advisor Q: When does the talk take place? A: at the beginning (in the middle, at the end of the semester) Q: Where does the talk take place? A: classroom, lecture hall Q: What is the topic? A: changes in the schedule, the schedule of this semester, exam schedule, information about on course ;(2)选课场景 场景人物:师生之间或学生之间谈论选课的话题 场景涉及的内容:学生是否有资格选某一门课,对于老师的谈论,课程的难易程度,选某一门课的好处和坏处。 常用的词汇和词组:required, compulsory(必修), elective, selective, optional, course, description, catalog, bulletin, prerequisite course(预修课程), preliminary course(预备课程), such a heavy load, excellent reputation(声誉), drop a course(退修课程)等。;(3)补课场景 场景人物:同学之间补课。 场景涉及的内容:通常是某学生因为某些原因迟到或旷课了,事后找另一个同学补课,所以必会牵扯到专业内容。 常用的词汇和词组:fill sb. in (暂代某人), You’ve really lost me there(你真的让我糊涂了), make sense, miss a pretty important class, clarify the misunderstanding, check the notes等。;经常出现的问题和答案: Q: Why was the man late for class? (Why did the man ask the woman about the lecture?) A: He overslept (was sick, had some trouble with his car, had to go to see the doctor, dentist, had an emergency) Q: What confused the man? A: 专业课的内容。 Q: What does the man promise to do at last? A: He will not be late again (oversleep again) ;(4)论文场景 场景人物:教授与学生,或者学生之间进行讨论。 场景涉及的内容:讨论论文写作的相关事宜,比如:论文题目,查找资料等等。 常用的词汇和词组:explore the topic, published resources, bibliography/reference, intellectual dishonesty, get an early start, gather materials等。;II.生活相关类;2)娱乐场景 场景人物:同学,朋友或家庭成员。 场景涉及的内容:包括郊游,参加运动,听音乐会,谈论玩的计划等。 常见的词汇和词组:enjoy, good day, take a break, relax, reserve a court(预定一个球场), a night-out, take your mind off your test, fair weather等。;(3)租房场景 场景人物:房东,住户 场景涉及的内容:和房东的相处甚至讨价还价。对房子的评价,包括价格,地理位置,也常常涉及到租房子的过程。 常用的词汇和词组:roommate, dormitory, deposit, live on, off campus, utilities(公共设施), heating costs, temporary accommodation(临时住处), landlord, apartment, sublet(转租), dishwasher, messy(脏的), a leaky faucet(漏水的水龙头), tenant(房客), afford等。 ; III.工作相关类;4.原则与技巧;5


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