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【小白考研】考研小白的成长平台!(微信号:ikaoyaner) 2017 考研英语在线点睛课程讲义 主讲人:何凯文 写作部分 第一篇:个人品质 Asisshownabove,inthemiddleofthepictureliesayoungman,trying togotosleepwithout finishing the job of today and persuading himself that he can finish today’s job tomorrow. If posted on some social media, this picture will draw much attention because it arouses much sympathyamongtheyoungpeople. As is shown above, in the middle of the picture walks a young man, suffering from the anxiety, depression and the disorder for the heavy burden of live and work. This picture, if posted on the social media, will definitely strike the cord with youngsters for its revealing a common scene inoursociety. 、 1 在微信公众号【小白考研】内,回复“密押”,获取“考前高端密押”+“终极密押5道题” 【小白考研】考研小白的成长平台!(微信号:ikaoyaner) 第二篇:有形社会话题 As is shown above, in the middle of the picture stands a young man, confused and terrified, facing the information bombarding from some online live broadcasting platforms. He is astonished by the vulgar, violent and porn content of these shows. This cartoon does demonstrateastatusquothatisworthyofourattention. As is shown above, the picture presents a ridiculous scene in which a college student is astonished by the reality of the real world. The distinctive feature in the picture that impresses memostishislackofknowledgeoftherealworld. The author of the picture demonstrates a common scene in today’s college education and illustratessome problemsfacing universities. Some scholarshave already noticed that current college education focuses a lot on the academic study but fail to offer adequate exploration on the creativity and moral education, components critical to students’ future lives and careers. And,onesurveyevensuggeststhatmostcollegestudentsarecopingwith alotoftediouspaper work, with few breaks, and feelin


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