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Unit 1 A land of diversity;Wednesday ;;;Chinatown (San Francisco);blue and white road signs;Golden Gate Bridge;cable car;Careful Reading;Tuesday;1. cattle n. 集体名词, 指复数概念, 谓语用复数。如: We have five (head of) cattle. The cattle are raised on my farm. 类似集体名词有people, police, folk等。;2. explore vt. 探测,踏勘(一国家等); 探究,仔细探查 explore the Arctic regions explore possibilities/ problems explorer n.探测者,探究者 exploration n. 探测,探究,探查;3. Apparently he’d been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in which a train slipped down the hill dragging the horses with it. 显然当他看到一场事故中轨道车拖着马匹 滑下山坡时大为震惊。;2) slip v. 滑, 滑倒, 失足 A book slipped of/from her hand. n. [c]滑倒, 失足, 小错误 It’s normal for a young man to make a slip. ;4. fail v. ① 失败 Fail (in) an examination Fail to pass an examination ②给…不及格,不录取… The examiners failed half the candidates. ③…不足/ 短少/ 缺乏 (常接一间接宾语) The crops failed because of drought. Words fail me. His courage failed him. Failure of crops often results in famine. heart failure power failure; ④(健康,视力等)衰退 His eyesight is failing. ⑤忽略,疏忽(+to do) He never fails to write to his mother every week. He didn’t fail to keep his word. His failure to help us was disappointing. ;5. Teamed up with a couple from my hotel and hired a car.;a team of 一队 in/ on a team 属于…队 play for a team 为…队效力 team spirit 团队精神;6. There’s a great drive marked out for tourists. 有一条用线为游客画出界线的大道。 1) drive n. 路, 大道 They live at 141 Park Drive. 他们住在公园路141号。 2) mark sth. out 划线, 标出界线;7. It’s a 79 km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. 正是这79公里的往返旅程包括了所有的 著名的旅游景点。 take in 1) 包括 This price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food. 这个价格包括了食宿等一切费用。;2) 吸收, 收留, 收容, 收养, 接待 Our party branch took in a new member yesterday.  3) 理会, 理解, 记住 I wonder if he’s really taking it in. 4) 欺骗, ???上当 The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.;8. Some interesting


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