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Characteristics of Terms;Accuracy 确切性 汉语术语“码头”对应英语术语有 wharf, quay, dock, terminal, port PCT plans to open a new container terminal on the Port’s East Wharf. A passenger terminal consists of the terminal building and the quay. 港区内严禁吸烟。 铁路通向各个港区。 轮船缓缓驶入港区。 ;Accuracy 确切性 汉语术语“码头”对应英语术语有 wharf, quay, dock, terminal, port PCT plans to open a new container terminal on the Port’s East Wharf. PCT计划在该港区的东港区设置一个新的集装箱码头。 A passenger terminal consists of the terminal building and the quay. 客运码头由候船大楼和前沿码头组成。 港区内严禁吸烟。 Smoking is forbidden on the premises of the port. 铁路通向各个港区。 The railway line connects all the terminals of the port. 轮船缓缓驶入港区。 The ship streams slowly into the harbour.;Accuracy 确切性 “独立学院” Independent College Independent Institute Independent School Independent Sub-college Private college in public university Subordinate College Second-class College Jointly-run Institute Separated College … ; US But it is in the “independent” or “private” sector of higher education where diversity of educational philosophies, programs, and traditions is greatest. Some 600 smaller colleges and universities make up this sector and include many of the United States’ most venerable institutions. (Ekman 2005) Britain There are many different types of state school as well as independent schools. To help you make a choice for your child, this page provides some information on each type of school and their admission procedures. (Directgov);Monosemy 单一性 (同一个概念只用同一个术语来表达。钱三强,1989) nowcasting :“现时预报”、“现场预报”、“即日预报”、“短时预报”、“临近预报” 现统一翻译为“临近预报” overlandflow: (地理学) “坡面水流”、“坡面漫流”、 “陆面水流”、 “地面径流 现统一翻译为“坡面流” credit standing:资信状况 不能用position来代替standing 资信 不能说成 诚信 standby credit:备用信用证 不能用spare来代替 standby 备用 不能说成 零用 listed company:上市公司 list在英语中解释“清单 ”、“记人名单 ”、“列于表上” 金融术语:“上市的” probability : 在数学中定名为“概率”, 而在物理学及


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