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13 、 如何服务辅料和酱汁 H OW TO SERVICE A DRESSING OR SAUCE STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS TRAINING QUESTIONS 1) Check the captains order 检查点单 Who gets what? To make sure the correct dressing or sauce is served to the right guest. 确保客人的菜式对应相应的汁酱 1. Why should you check who gets what? 为什么要检 查客人所点 的是什么? 1) Approach the table 服务方法 Walk towards the table and stand by the right side of the guest with right leg slightly in front of the table. 来到顾客桌前,在顾客右侧右腿向前微弯 靠近桌面前 Say: “Excuse me sir / madam or Mr. / Mrs. XXX, may I serve the dressing / sauce?” 说:打扰一下先生 / 女士或先生 / 太太,我 可以为您倒上酱料吗? Serve the children/ladies first, then the gentlemen and follow by host. (Move clock wise around the table). 服务时小孩女士优先,然后是男士,最后 才是主人(沿顺时针方向服务) 1. Why should you have your right leg slightly in front? 为什么要右 腿在前服务? 14 、 餐具如何收档 T ASK : H OW TO CLOSE THE RESTAURANT STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS TRAINING QUESTIONS 1) Make last call 通知最后点单 Inform the guest on a personal basis that the restaurant will close in 15 minutes. 收市前 15 分钟通知顾客最后点单。 Madame/Sir, may I inform you that our restaurant will stop serving at……o'clock in 15 minutes, is there anything else we can serve you? 女士 / 先生,我很抱歉告诉您,我们将于 XX 点关餐,于 15 分钟内,还有其他什么我们可 以为您服务的吗? Close out last checks and thank the guest. 做收市检查并感谢顾客 Any other details to be added by the hotel. 由酒店确认是否有其他补充 1. Why is the time 15 minutes and not shorter or longer? 为什么是 15 分钟,不加 长或缩短 ? 1. Why should you close the checks? 为什么要做 班后检查 ? 1. Why should you thank the guests? 为什么要感 谢顾客? 14 、 餐具如何收档 T ASK : H OW TO CLOSE THE RESTAURANT 2) Hostess stand 咨客立岗准备 The telephones have to be disconnected and kept in the Hostess cabinet. 关闭电话并放在领位台 Reservation book, pen and order pad to be removed and kept in the Hostess cabinet. 留座本,笔和点单纸应保存在资客台内 Deliver outlet's log book to the Room Service (or designated area). 将营业日志送到送餐部或指定区域 1. Why should the phones be disconnected? 为什么要切 断电话 ? 1. Why should these items be removed? 为什么收起 这些东西 ? 1. Why should the log books go to the Room servic


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