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二、主要内容: 第 教学周 / 第 节(第 次课) 第 页 教学目的 教学重点和难点 教学方法和手段  Teaching Objectives: To acquire the key words, important and difficult sentences and language points Teaching Focus Ideas of the writer Possible Difficulties Contrast Teaching techniques To integrate several different teaching methods and techniques: elicitation; explanation; illustration and discussion. 教 学 基 本 内 容 备 注 Unit 5 Quick Fix Society Warming-Up 1) What is the meaning of “ fix ” 2) How do you understand “ quick fix ” 3) How is “ quick fix society ” reflected in the following aspects transportation and communication eating habits and consumption habits entertainment reading habits, learning habits working style 4) What are the advantages of “ quick fixsociety ” What are the disadvantages of fix“societyquick ” Do you want a fast paced life or slow paced one Background Information I. Fast Roads in the U.S. Highways: connect cities Superhighways: a road with six or more lanes Interstate highways: connect cities in different states Freeways: roads within a city Expressways: fast roads in or near cities Turnpike: pay money before you use it (付费)高速公路 Pike, turnpike road Pennsylvania Dutch Town Location The heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch County(宾夕法尼亚州的荷兰郡) is Lancaster County(兰卡斯特郡) . It is located in south central Pennsylvania, one and half hours west of Philadelphia. Most of the Amish Country attractions are in Lancaster County, and almost all of the local Amish people live here as well. People: Amish The Amish are a religious group who live in settlements in 22 states of the U.S. and Ontario, Canada. The oldest group of Old Order Amish, about 16,000—18,000 people live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Amish stress humility, family and community, and separation from the world. Amish ’ s lifestyle These people as a whole are not as materialistic as modern society today. They do not use electricity or modern conveniences. Amish men have beards(下巴胡, 山羊胡) , but not mustaches. ( hair growing on the up


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