人教版英语七年级上册Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self check21张PPT课件.pptxVIP

人教版英语七年级上册Unit 8 Section B 3a-Self check21张PPT课件.pptx

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Section B;Learning Aims;;How many months are there in a year? How many days are there in a week(星期)? How many months are there in a season(季节)? How many days are there in January? How many days are there in February? How many days are there in a year? How many students are there in our class?;有比赛 学校郊游 考试 开派对 图书大甩卖,卖书 英语日,英语节 校庆日/学校公开日 有足球赛 艺术节 音乐节 体育节/运动节;Dear Alan, Do you ____ sports? Do you have a _________? Please come to ___________ next week. We have a basketball _______. It is on __________ 2nd. See you there! Guo Peng ;3b;写作指导: 这是一则邀请某人参加某项活动的便条,其内容须包含括号内提出的四个问题,即:参加人的名字及爱好、活动名称及该活动举行地点与时间。写作过程中可能用到的句型如下:;1. Do you like (have) …? 你喜欢(有)……吗?2. Please come to …next week/this Friday. 请下周/这周五来……(某地). 3. We have a (an) …. It’s on …. 我们举行……(活动). 它在……(日期). 4. On …, we have a(an) … in …. 在……(日期), 我们在……(某地)举行……(活动). 5. See you there!/Have a good time! 那儿见!/祝你玩得高兴。 ;Dear_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________;Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers. ;1. When is Children’s Day(儿童节)? It’s on __________________. 2. When is National Day(国庆节)? It’s on __________________. 3. When is Women’s Day(妇女节)? It’s on __________________. 4. When is New Year’s Day(新年)? It’s on __________________. ;我都 学会了!;一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The ________(four) boy in the line is a new student. 2.Please ________(comes) to my school this afternoon. 3.We have ________(an) basketball game. 4.What is ________ (you) brother's name? 5.Tom is nine years old. Today is his ________(nine) birthday.;二. 选择填空 1. January is the ___ month in a year. A. one B. first C. 1th 2. I think _____ lesson is the most difficult in this book. A. four B. fourth C. the fourth 3. There are ______


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