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JG62 REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPECTATIONS JG62 2014 Reunion Committee For Reference onl April o1, 2013 REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES x Selection of regional representatives were recommended from previous JG62 Reunion Committee and agreeable from phone calls from current reunion committee Based on cla te residence, several regions were created and each region has assigned two representatives x Dennis chou(周啟超)andC.s. Chang(張哲壽) will be the representatives for classmates in Taiwan. They will handle in the area communication with class (1 10 ban) leaders or class representatives Responsibilities were same as other regional representives REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES xJG62 2014 Reunion Regional Representative Responsibilities region and a bridge between reunion committee anded You are represented all classmates in your design las Communicate with reunion committee for issues and Distribute communique and registration forms to classmates and forward to designated travel agent (HappyTours,happytours1@)andcc.toreunion committee(dmuhacfl. rr. com, and rshsu2007@hotmail. com robertshsu@) Feedback comments and issues from regional classmates to reunion committee for resolution IMPORTANT DATES x Key dates Cruise cabin Reservation deposit(US$250. 00 per person) deadline- June 8, 2013 (refundable if cancelled by February 3,2014) Cruise cost balance Due- February 3, 2014 Eastern Caribbean Cruise registration Dateline June 8 2013 Pre-Reunion Land Tour registration Dateline- December 31 2013 Pre-Reunion Land Tour- April 15-18. 2014 Eastern Caribbean Cruise- April 19 26. 2014 Cruise cabin upper class- USS1, 189. 31 US$1, 169.31 Lower or inner cabin and suite available, cost may differ. Pre-reunion Land Tour-(best estimated) US$540. 00 plus Airfare USS350 00 國外地區 聯辂人 邢長城 張敬寅 葉定葳 楊盛成 袁定 呂哲夫 周慶華 美西北地區 美東地區 南加地區 北加地區 陳讚煌 曹 裕璜 顧石生 劉成均 姚詩凱 黄揚清 美南地區 美中地區夏威夷地區 大陸港澳地區 邱秦真 穆椿榮 吳罕台 小見山信行 翁達夫 (王信行) 美東南


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