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嘉应学院毕业论文设计 嘉应学院毕业论文设计 PAGE PAGE # 摘要 啤酒废水中有机物的含量较高,如直接排放,既污染环境,又降低啤酒工业的原料利用 率。为此,许多学者和厂家对啤酒废水的处理与利用技术进行了研究。本设计在阐述啤酒废 水的来源及特点的基础上,对几种常见的处理利用技术进行了比较,结论是:单一的处理和 利用技术不能从根本上解决啤酒废水的污染问题,只有将多种技术结合使用,才能达到经济 效益和环境效益的统一。 设计啤酒废水处理厂的处理水量为 4000m3/d,不考虑远期发展。原污水中各项指标为: BOD浓度为 960mg/L,COD 浓度为 1700mg/L,SS浓度为 500mg/L,NH4-N 浓度为 30mg/ L, S 2 浓度为 20mg/L。因该废水 BOD 值较大 ,不经处理会对环境造成巨大污染,故要求处理后的排 放水要严格达到国家一级排放标准。 经分析知该处理水质属易生物降解又无明显毒性的废水,可采用两级生物处理以使出水 达标。一级处理主要采用物理法,用来去除污水中的悬浮物质和无机物。二级处理主要采用 生物法,包括厌氧生物处理法中的 UASB 法和好氧生物处理法中的 SBR 法,可有效去除污水 2 中的 BOD、COD、NH4-N及 S 2 。整个工艺具有总投资少,处理效果好,工艺简单,占地面 积省,运行稳定,能耗少的优点。 关键词:啤酒废水处理;高浓度有机废水;工艺设计; UASB+SBR 法 TECHNOLOGY DESIGN OF UASB+SBR IN BREWERY PLANT WASTEWATER TREAMENT Ma Lihong (Chemical Department of JiaYing Institute, Guang Dong MeiZhou, 514015) Atbsract Being a liquid containing high organic pollutants, brewery wastewater may not only lead to environmental pollution,but also decreas e the utilization ratio of raw material used in beer production.Therefore,many sc holars and breweries have paid much attention to developing new techniques for t reating and making use of brewery wastewater.This paper makes a comparison among various new techniques on the basis of analyzing the sources and characteristic s of brewery wastewater.It is concluded that a single technique can not effectiv ely remove the contamination from brewery wastewater,and only the combination of various techniques can achieve great benefits both in economy and in environment.Thus, several proposals are put forward for future research. The water which needs to treatment in the beer waste water treatment plant is3000m3/d, regardless of the specified future development. Various target in the raw waste water is: the concentration of BOD is 960mg/L, the concentration of COD is 1700mg/L, the concentration of SS is 500mg/L, the 2 concentration of NH4-N is 30mg/ L , the concentration of S is 20mg/L. For the beer waste waters BOD is high, it could pollute the enviroment if drained before treat


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