frame semantics框架语义学讲解.ppt

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Applying frame semantics to college English vocabulary teaching 1The Notion of Frame Petruck defines frame in his1996work a frame is any system of concepts related in such a way that to understand any one concept it is necessary to understand the entire system; introducing any one concept rusults in all of them becoming avaliable(Petruck 1996:1) developement The frame theory was firstly put forward and used in the field of artificial intelligence(AI). In the book A Framework for Representing Knowledge, Minsky stated that human knowledge is stored in mind in the form of knowledge structures, which he called frame. Fillmore borrowed the notion of frame from the AI field and developed his own theory of frame in linguistics. Fillmore definedframe as “ any system of linguistic choices- the easiest cases being collections of words, but also including choices of grammatical rules or linguistic categories- that can get associated with prototypical instances of scenes” (Fillmore, 1975:124) present studies Present studies on frame semantics have covered the fields ranging from morphology to discourse analysis, translation and language acquisition. For the most part, studies on frame semantics focused on lexicography, especially computational lexicography. basic concepts The basic assumption of Frame Semantics is that in order to understand the meaning of the words in a language we must first have knowledge of the conceptual structures,or semantic frames, which provide the background and motivation for their existence in the language and for their use in discourse. frame element A frame element is simply a regular participant, feature, or attribute of the kind of situation described by a frame .eg. Marriage frame include husband, wife, wedding ceremony, wedding date, best man etc. Applying frame semantics to college English Vocabulary Teaching in China A model for English Vocabulary teaching (1)the prior-framing stage, when we encounter the new words in context and use the


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