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JBoss启动屏幕(production配置) JBoss的关闭 方法1:硬关,ctrl-c或关闭命令行窗口杀死进程 方法2:利用关闭脚本 shutdown.bat -S -sip_addr -u admin 命令行会提示输入jmx密码 可参考%JBOSS_HOME%\bin\shutdown-shortcut.bat %JBOSS_HOME%的目录结构 ← 各种配置(-c指向这里的子目录) ← 起停工具脚本/工具脚本 ← JMX微内核库 每个配置的目录结构 未运行前 运行时/运行后 ← 配置(包括安全配置,日志配置) ← 部署目录 ← 日志输出 ← 临时工作目录 微内核 *.xAR Data Sources EJB Containers WARDeployer Microkernel DeploymentScanner MainDeployer EJBDeployer EARDeployer SARDeployer Naming Service Security Service Message Service Transaction Service JBoss的核心配置 %JBOSS_HOME%\server\config\conf\jboss-service.xml 核心MBean的注册(事务,安全,连接器) 端口绑定管理器(BindingManager) 部署器,部署扫描规则 服务/应用 部署目录和顺序 conf/jboss-service.xml: mbean code=org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner?... attribute name=ScanPeriod5000/attribute attribute name=URLsdeploy/,deploy2/,http://myserver//attribute attribute name=RecursiveSearchTrue/attribute !--attribute name=ScanEnabledfalse/attribute-- /mbean Deployer xxx-deployer.xml SAR xxx-service.xml RAR xxx-ds.xml JAR WAR EAR ZIP .last (deploy.last in all configuration)? 安全(1)——鉴权 Authentication: Assign an identity to a user A user proves their identity with credentials A valid credential can be a password, a certificate, biometric data ”My name is John Doe, here are my credentials.” Security Framework Identity Database Establish User Identity within the application server Servlet Servlet EJB EJB Emilie Luc Thomas g324GSx92 feGrpoig2as BswFW2vc 安全(2)——授权 Authorization: Establish access rights based on user identity ”John Doe is a Manager. He can access services X,Y,Z”. ”My name is John Doe, here are my credentials.” Security Framework Identity Database Establish User Identity within the application server Servlet Servlet EJB EJB John Doe BswFW2vc Servlet John Doe Manager Users: Roles: 安全(3)——加密 Encryption: Provide protection of sensitive data on the network ”My name is John Doe, here are my credentials.” Security Framework Identity Database Establish User Identity with


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