商务英语听力 商务英语听力 自我评价.ppt

商务英语听力 商务英语听力 自我评价.ppt

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* Self-Evaluation Learning Objectives 1.Realize the importance of self-evaluation in a workplace 2.grasp expressions and drills related to self-evaluation 3.Be able to give a job self-evaluation Self-Evaluation 1.Warming-up The words below are often used when making a self-evaluation. Work in pairs and put them into the correct categories. honest self-centered selfish motivated responsible hostile lazy loyal persevering jealous Positive Negative honest self-centered motivated responsible persevering loyal selfish hostile jealous lazy New Words Expressions 1. evaluation n. 评估 I attempted an honest?evaluation?of my own life. 我试图如实地评价我自己的一生。 2. evaluate v. 评估 I can’t?evaluate?his ability without seeing his work. 没有看到他的工作情况我无法评论他的能力。 3. motivate v. 激发 You have first got to?motivate?the children and then to teach them. 你首先得激发孩子的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。 New Words Expressions 4. maximize v. 使增加到最大限度;最大限度地利用 Eager to?maximize?output today, we are borrowing from tomorrow. 急于在今天获得最大的产出,迫使我们不得不向明天借债。 5. exceptional a. 杰出的;不寻常的 He is a man of?exceptional?talent. 他是位具有非凡才能的人。 6. joint a. 共同的;联合的 We wrote a letter in?joint?names. 我们联名写了封信。 New Words Expressions 7. perseverance n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠 It may take some?perseverance?to find the right people. 要找到合适的人也许需要有点锲而不舍的精神。 8. loyal a. 忠诚的 She is?loyal?and totally dependable. 她很忠诚,完全值得信赖。 9. loyalty n. 忠诚 She told him the truth from a sense of?loyalty. 她告诉他真相是出于忠诚。 New Words Expressions 10. newbie n. 新手 Here is the?newbie, and teach him what to do. 他是新来的,告诉他该做什么。 11. generous a. 慷慨的;大量的 They didn’t start being?generous?till they had make their pile. 他们是在赚了大钱后才开始变得慷慨大方的。 12. bonus n. 奖金 The staff got a Christmas?bonus. 员工在圣诞节得到了奖金。 New Words Expressions 13. pull one’s weight 做好分内事 He has never pulled his weight. 他从来不做好自己的分内事。 14. go through a rough p



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