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四会市四会中学 教师备课薄 年级 初 三 科目 英 语 教师 吕敏玲 2013 ——2014 学年度第 一 学期 第 1 周 第 (课、章、单元) 第 1 课时 2013 年 9 月 2 日 课题 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A 课型 Listening speaking 三维目标: 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: 2. Learn the present perfect tense: have been to / have gone to 3 Talk about the children’s vacation experiences. 教学重点:Learn the present perfect tense: 教学难点:Learn the present perfect tense: 教学方法:student-centered 学生学法:Group-work practice 教学过程: Step 1: Revision Read the new words. Dictation. Step 2: lead in T: Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? Where did you go during your summer holiday? T: Where have you been? I have been to the park . T: Where did you go in summer holiday ? I went to the park in summer holiday Step 3: Practice in group A: Where have you been? B: I have been to... Step 4: Lead in A: Where has Mr. Lee gone? I can’t find him. B: He has gone to the restaurant. 教学过程(续): Pair work 1.A: Where have/has sb been? B: sb have/has been to … 2.A: Where have /has sb gone? B: sb have/has gone to … Step 5: Listen and read Listen and answer the questions 1. Where has Rita been? . 2 What about Jane? Read together Talk about important points Step 6: Homework 1 Finish the exercise of Section A 2 Read the dialogue . 二次备课 Learn the new words first . 先帮助学生扫清词汇障碍。 Practice the structures have been to have gone to 先掌握本课重点句型,也有助于本课对话的掌握。 二次备课 Learn the dialogue Listen and speaking first . 学对话听说先行,进行听力和口语训练。 Explanations. 解释点拨对话中的重点词汇短语。 教 学 后 记 本节课重点是现在完成时的have been to / have gone to 结构, 先帮助学生理解结构,通过操练熟练掌握后再学习对话,听说领先,再点拨知识点如词、短语等。 要求:1、在原有集体备课要求的基础上,要进行二次备课。50岁以下的男教师和45岁以下的女教师统一采用电子备课的形式,教务处每月进行抽检。2、二次备课栏要求标记重点环节、重点问题;增加自己认为必要的教学内容、教学方法;改正原教案中的一些错误,根据实际修改原教案中不适应本班教学的教学方法;删除原教案中自己认为不必要的教学内容及环节,根据需要调换教学内容及教学环节的呈现形式,调整原教案中过程设计的先后顺序等。3、教学反思应侧重自己教学的真正感受与问题的对策,切忌千篇一律。 第 1 周 第 (课、章、单元) 第 2 课时 2013 年 9 月 3 日 课题 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section B 课型 Listening speaking 三维目标: 1 Learn some new words and a phrase: 2 Go


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