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数学式和数学用语的英文读法 一、 Number 数字 106: one million 109: one billion (or one thousand million) 1012: one trillion (or one million million) 1015: one quadrillion(or one thousand million million) 1018: one quintillion (or one million million million) 二、 Fractions 分数 通常将分子 读为 基数,将分母 读为 序数。 1/2: a (or one) half 1/3: a (or one) third 1/4: a quarter or one fourth 2/3 : two thirds, two over three, or two by three 9/10: nine tenths, nine over ten, or nine by ten 4‰: four per mill (or mil) 三、 Decimals 小数 0.4: zero (or naught) point four .01: point (or decimal) naught (or oh) one 12.34: twelve point three four 30.45: thirty point four five, 0.3333333…..: point three repeating (or recurring) 四、Mathematic Forms 数学式 (4-1) Addition 加法 1+2=3: One and two are three. 2+3=5 : Two plus three equals five. 4+0=4 : Four and naught is equal to four. 45+70+152=267: 45, 70 and 152 added are (or make) 267 the sum (or total) is 267. (4-2) Subtraction 减法 (4-3) Multiplication 乘法 (4-4) Division 除法 五、 Power 幂次方 bn 当中, b 被称 为底数 (base),n 被称 为指数 (power or exponent) bn: the nth power of b 或 b to the nth power. a 107: a times the seventh power of ten. b 的平方: b square or b squared b 的立方: b cube or b cubed b 的 4 次方: b to the fourth b 的-1 次方: b to the minus one 八、其它 log(x) : the logarithm of x logb(x) : the logarithm of x to the base b 5 : 3: five to three 45 度角: forty-five degree angle 二元一次方程式: linear (or simple) equation with two unknowns 一元二次方程式: quadratic equation with one unknown 九、符号的英文读法 (9-1) Punctuation Marks 标点符号 中文 英文 中文 英文 § 分节号 section; division - 破折号 dash 。 句号 period


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