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Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building 年级 Grade 6 学科 English Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building?(1) 课题 1. Phrases: want to do look at in the world bring peace to the world go inside the UN visit 教材 2. Sentence pattern: Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? 分析 What a big building! 及重 The UN wants to make peace in the world. 难点 3. Listen and say. 本课的教学重点是对四会单词和短语的掌握,对课文的熟读。难点是利用思维导图分析和理解课文。 本课学习内容比较简单, 所要了解的联合国也较为熟悉, 前期学习的思维导图学习方法对他们的学习 学情 有很到的指导作用。 分析 Most of them can grasp all the words well. 教学 Most of them can recite the text fluently. 目标 To describe some place in their own words. To use the phrases freely. 点读笔、教学光盘 ppt 准备 Step 1 Greetings. Free talks : A guessing game: What is it? (riddles) > the UN building Step 2 Revision. First ,Sing a song. Second ,Ask and answer. Step 3 New teaching. First ,Let the Ss look at the picture and guess what happened. Second ,Let the Ss listen to the tape and then answer the question: What ’ s it about? Third ,Listen to the CD-ROM and find the difficult words they think. Then: Explain the key words to the Ss. Want to the UN building important make peace world inside visit in the world in the UN one of the like this 4. Let the Ss try to read the text. Step 4: About the text. Listen to the CD-ROM and then try to answer these questions. Where is the UN building? How many countries are in the UN? What does the UN do? Questions from Daming and Simon. 1 ( 分段进行讲解和学习 ) Let ’ s draw the mind map together. Step 5 Consolidation Read the text together. Read in roles. To have a dictation. Module 9 Unit 1 板书 UN 设计 Words: Questions Listen to the tape and read the text. 作业 搜集联合国的相关信息。 设计 教学 反思 勤奋能产生奇迹,皮尔·卡丹的奋斗史就说明了这个道理。皮尔·卡丹从小就对服装感兴趣,即使是在最贫困的时候。他的父亲——一个贫困的意大利农民带着妻子和 7 个孩子背井离乡去法 国的圣莱第昂谋生时,他才刚满两岁。他是被母亲用一块蓝被单裹着离开家乡的。他生活在天天都要为吃饭与穿衣的事而发愁的家庭里,却偏偏对各式各样的服装感兴趣。童年的时候,他喜 欢在街上游逛,时装店里多姿多彩的时装常常使他流连忘返。他的耳边经常传来这样的斥责和嘲讽: “滚开,穷鬼 ! 你也来看时装?”然而,一个梦想却在他幼小的心中升腾: “以后,我也能做 各种各样的时装,做出许许多多好看的时装。”念中学的时候,由于贫困和年迈多病,皮尔·卡丹的父母再也无法供他上



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