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1 1月24日托福口语真题解读及范文分享 2016年1月24日托福口语考试虽然已经结束,但是小编相信还是有部分备考生不清楚这一天 究竟考了啥!因此,在今天的文章中,天道留学小编就为同学们准备了这一天的托福口语真题解读及 范文分享,希望可以给大家带来帮助!更多托福口语机经,还请继续关注我们的频道! 备考托福口语的小伙伴们注意了,托福口语真题是你不可缺少的备考利器。由此,本文天道小 编特意给同学们准备了 2016年1月24日托福口语机经,还请大家能够仔细阅读哦! Taskl. Which of the followi ng com mun ity service would you be more in terested in doing and explain why? Cleaning the city park, planting flowers and trees or build a bicycle lane? (常规题目,本题历年一共出现 6次,2010年1次,2012年1次,2013和2014年分别两次) 解题思路:题目希望考生从打扫公园、种植花草和规划自行车道三种服务项目中选择自己最感 兴趣的社区服务活动。考生可以根据自己的实际喜好来答,只要观点、论据充分即可。例如我喜欢 种花草,可以从两个角度来讲:第一,这种项目会使我更轻松一些,可以从快节奏生活中走出来, 寻找到宁静。第二,种植可以有利于环境保护。 Sample an swer: Honestly, I ll definitely go for planting trees and flowers because this is someth ing that can actually comfort me men tally. I ll just do it n aturally and spontan eously without forci ng myself to participate in those com mun ity works that rm not really in to. And eh, I can also switch up from the fast-paced life and try to find a sense of tranq uility and chill out a bit. On top of that, by pla nting more gree ns, rm actually doing something to protect our mother earth, even though it s just a tiny step but still makes me feel a sense of achieveme nt and that kinda feeli ng is in describable. So I ll defi nitely do it because i have a certa in and stron ger urge and interest of doing so rather than the other two. Task2. Do you agree or disagree that the success of a school depe nds on experie need teachers? 解题思路:考生同意不同意学校的成功离不开经验丰富的老师。考生可以回答不同意,可以从 题目中所谓的“学校成功中老师的决定性作用”切入表达自己不同观点。比如,先从老师的角度讲, 经验丰富的老师一般工龄长,总是重复讲解同样的内容,讲课的热情不大 ;再从其他方面切入,学校 成功还需要其他的因素,比如学校设施等硬件条件等等。 Sample an swer: Alright, let s back to life, back to reality, experieneed teac hers can not be the decidi ng factor to judge whether a school is good or not cuz experie need teachers have bee n teachi ng for so many years and theyre probably tired of teach ing the same old stuff over and over aga in and for the record, they are not as passi on ate as new teachers whe n it come


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