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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Introduction 整体设计 教材分析 在本节课中学生将会学到一些关于天气的词汇, 重点是用来描述沙尘暴的词汇。教材设 计了三个活动来逐渐熟悉本模块的话题, 学生可以通过教材设计的三个活动来加深对本单 元话题的理解, 并能流利地表达沙尘暴发生时的场景。活动一可以设计成看图说话, 教师要 引导学生想象和回想沙尘暴发生时的场景并准确地描述出来。活动二的判断正误可以使学生 对当今地球的环境恶化有个更深地了解。最后的小组讨论活动涉及人们在沙尘暴中的自我保 护和对改造环境能够作出什么样的努力。学生通过本节课的学习, 能够对沙尘暴这种天气 现象作出准确的描述并能分析其原因和给出解决方法。 三维目标 1.知识与技能 1)Make students master some new words. 2 )Encourage students to know how to describe a sandstorm. 2 .过程与方法 Train students’ speaking ability through individual and pair work. 3 .情感与价值 Get students to know the harm that sandstorms do to human beings and try to develop their sense of environment protection. 教学重 Get to know some information about sandstorms and encourage students to use their own words to describe them. 教学难 Learn some new words and other information about sandstorms. 教学方法 Individual work, pair work to get every student to participate in class. 教学过程 → Step 1 Background about the topic of this module 1.Talk about the topic of this module as an introduction. Show the following pa ssage to students on the screen. About Sandstorm The topic of this module is “environmental conservation” (环境保护). This module mainly introduces something about the sandstorms in Asia, especially in China. At the same time, it brings in some words about sandstorms and environmental conservation. What is a sandstorm? A sandstorm, a kind of disastrous (灾难性的)weather system, is a combination of sand and strong wind. What on earth causes sandstorms? In my opinion, severe sandstorms are usually caused by both natural and contrived (人为的)factors, that is, climatic, geographical, social and human factors. Of all


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