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高校植物园建设的探讨与思考 张芮宁 周博 袁舟宇 徐诗涛 摘 要:随着“美丽中国”建设的逐步推进和生态文明体制的改革与发展,高等院校在生态建设过程中的地位越来越重要。近年来,高校植物园的建设与打造也成为农林和医药等学科发展与进步的需求。海南是我国唯一的热带岛屿,拥有独特的热带地域风光和丰富的热带植物资源,作为“211”工程大学和双一流建设高校,海南大学应以特色植物为基础,打造兼具景观性与实用性的植物园,提高科研与教学水平,推动美丽校园工程建设。该文基于植物园建设的发展趋势,分析了海南的自然地理条件与植物资源概况,提出在海南大学海甸校区建设植物园的规划与建议,为海南大学海甸校区的植物景观设计和植物园区打造提供参考。 关键词:植物园;海南大学;植物景观;热带特色 中图分类号 TU986文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2020)15-0071-05 Abstract: With the gradual advancement of the Beautiful China Construction as well as the reform and development of ecological civilization system, institutions of higher learning are playing an increasingly important role in the process of ecological construction. In recent years, the construction of university botanical garden has also become a demand for the development and progress of agriculture, forestry, medicine and other disciplines. Hainan is the only tropical island in China, which has the unique tropical scenery and rich resources of tropical plants. As a “211 project” university and a “Double First-Class” university, Hainan University should be based on the characteristic plants, build up the botanical garden with landscape efficacy and practicability, improve the level of scientific research and teaching and promote the beautiful campus construction. Based on the development trend of botanical garden construction, this paper analyzes the natural geographical conditions and the general situation of plant resources in Hainan, and puts forward the planning and suggestions for the construction of botanical garden in Haidian campus of Hainan University, so as to provide reference for the plant landscape design and the construction of botanical garden in Haidian campus of Hainan University. Key words: Botanical garden; Hainan university; Plant landscape; Tropical characteristic 随着全球气候变化与生态可持续发展,植物园作为生态文明建设的主力军,是植物种质资源保护与环境建设的主体[1],日益受到关注。在大学校園建设植物园,可以兼顾科研、教学、观光、生态等功能,是当前各大医药类、农业类高校探讨的重要话题。目前,一些学者对于高校植物园的发展也进行了探索与思考。郑国栋等[2]指出,药用植物园是医药院校及相关专业重要的科研及


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