冀教版教本一年级起点小学五年级英语下册Unit 4 Good Habits-Lesson 24.ppt

冀教版教本一年级起点小学五年级英语下册Unit 4 Good Habits-Lesson 24.ppt

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Lesson 24 ;快认快读 is-was am-was are-were have-had has-had learn-learned/ learnt write-wrote live-lived go-went make-made ;Free talk: What did you do yesterday? ;Free talk: What can you do? ;When I was a baby, I could see. I could eat. I could hear. I could drink. ;can can’t ;Let’s make sentences with “can”, “can’t”, “could” and “couldn’t”.;Who is she?;海伦·凯勒简介: 1.美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家和社会活动家。 2.1880年6月27日出生,18个月时一场高烧夺去了她的视力、听力和语言表达能力。她的导师安妮·莎莉文教会了她读书和说话。她最终以优异的成绩毕业于美国哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院,成为掌握英语、法语、德语、拉丁语、希腊语五种语言的著名作家和教育家。 3.主要作品有《假如给我三天光明》、《我的老师》、《我的生活》等。;What couldn’t Helen Keller do? She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. = She couldn’t see or hear. What could she do later? She could read and write. What was she? She was a writer.;Open your books and read the text by yourself(你自己), then underline(划出) the New Words and the sentences (句子) with “ could” and “couldn’t”.;Let’s learn some new words.;born;letter;Listen to the text, tick the right answers.;1. Helen Keller was born in________.;3. She was blind. She couldn’t_______.;6. Then Helen Keller learned to_____. ;9. She lived to be_______.;Read the text again, and translate the text.;Story Time;Look at the pictures and talk about Helen Keller.;1. Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.;2. As a small child, she became blind and deaf. She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear. ;3. Later, Helen had a teacher. She drew letters in Helen’s hand. Helen learned to speak. ;Look and say;5. She could also write. She wrote a book about herself. ;6. She went all over the world. And she lived to be 87.;7. Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me. ;Helen Keller _______ see but she _______ learn. She ________ hear but she ________ speak. 2. When I was a baby, I ______ see but I _______ read. I ________ hear but I _______ talk. I ________ walk but I _______ learn and I _______ play.;Liaoning(from) 1965(was born) fly into space (could);


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