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材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 构件 Structure member 强度 strength 刚度 rigidity 稳定性 stability 变形固体 solid deformation body 基本假设 fundamental assumption 各向同性 Isotropy 内力 internal force 外力 external force 二力杆 two force bar 刚体 rigid body 轴向拉伸 Axial tension 轴向压缩 Axial compression 拉力 tensile force 内力 Internal force 轴力 axial force 轴力图 diagram of axial force 集中载荷 concentrate load 应力 stress 平均应力 Average stress 全应力 whole stress 平面假设 Hypothesis of plane section 拉应力 Tensile stress 应力集中 stress concentration 剪切 shearing 正应力 normal stress 剪应力 shearing Stress 线应变 linear strain 剪应变 angular strain 剪力 shearing force 弹性应变能 Elastic strain energy 静定问题 statically determinate problem 静不定问题 statically indeterminate problem 平衡方程 equilibrium equations 比例极限 Proportional limit 弹性极限 Elastic limit 屈服极限 Yielding limit 塑性材料 ductile material .  . 强度极限 Strength limit 铸铁 cast iron 轴Shaft 扭转 Torsion 扭转角 The angle of twist 扭矩 Internal torque 扭矩图 Internal torque diagram 剪应力互等定 Theorem of complementary shearing stresses 弯曲 bending 梁 Beam 固定铰支座 Fixed hinged support 可动铰支座 Movable hinged support 固定端 Rigidly fixed end 简支梁 simply supported beam 悬臂梁 Cantilever beam 外伸梁 Overhanging beam 静定梁 Statically determinate beam 超静定梁 Statically indeterminate beam 弯曲内力 Internal force in bending 弯矩 Bending moment 内力方程 Internal force equation 剪力图 shearing force diagram 弯矩图 bending moment diagram 分布荷载 the distributed load 荷载集度 the density of the distributed load 平面刚架 Planar rigid frame 曲杆 Curved rod 纯弯曲 Pure Bending 中性轴 Neutral axis 曲率半径 the radius of curvature 挠度 Deflection 转角 Angle of rotation 挠曲线 deflection curve 位 移 边 界 条 Boundary conditions of the displacement 支 点 位 移 条 件 Displacement conditions at the supports . 连续条件 Continuity conditions 光滑条件 Sliding conditions 积分常数 integral constant 一点的应力状态 Stressed state at a point 原始单元体 Original element 主单元体 Principal element 主面 principal plane 主应力 principal stress 三向应力状态Three Dimensional State of Stress 二向应力状态 Plane State of Stress 应力圆 Stress Circle 单向应力状态 Unidirectional State of Stress 主应



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