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PAGE PAGE # 法国文化精髓 I tried to think it out. Why did Paris still draw us to its fascination, why did it draw those who felt themselves creative— talent or no talent? Why had it been, since Franklin, that all of us felt that we were freer there than elsewhere? Why did art, literature, and sex, and the feeding and drinking seem more genuine there? Generations of Americans had run a whole gamut of desires, hopes in Paris— all so opposite to those they had found at home, on the farm, in the city. — Stephen Longstreet, We All Went to Paris (1972) 海明威评价: A moveable feast. The title was suggested by Hemingways friend A.E. Hotchner, author of the biography, Papa Hemingway. He remembered they had a conversation about the city during Hotchners first visits there: If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast. 一、国土、人民、历史 现代法国文化是数百年演变的结果, 而土地、 语言、 人民是这种演变的基础和背景, 不了解 这些背景便不能真正地了解法国的文化。 法国国土:六边形。 5 边是自然边界:英吉利海峡、 大西洋、 地中海、 比利牛斯和阿尔卑斯。 第六边与比利时、卢森堡和德国交界,平坦无障碍。 面积 54.4万( 543965)平方公里,人口近 6000万( 1999 年统计)。 附: France covers just over 210,000 sq miles (550,000 sq km) Shares a border with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Spain and Andorra Has a population of 60 million Gets over 70 million visitors a year, more than any other country in the world Has 36,778 towns and villages (communes) Has an average population density of 282 per sq mile (109 per sq km) Has life expectancy rates of 83 for women and 76 for men 法国地形特征多样化,主要有三大地质区: ( 1)高原。以中央高原为代表。中央高原面积为 9 万平方公里,占全国面积的 1/6,使法国的河流呈发散状。 ( 2)北部与西部平原,其中北 部巴黎盆地是法国最大平原,西部还有卢瓦尔平原,西南部有阿基坦平原。 ( 3)南部和东南 部的山地, 包括比利牛斯山, 汝拉山和阿尔卑斯山 (比利牛斯山是法国和西班牙的天然边界, 汝拉山靠近瑞士边境,阿尔卑斯山脉西段在法国境内,最高峰勃朗峰在法国境内) 。法国的 气候较温和(纬度较高,北纬 42 度至 51 度之间,但不冷) ,兼受海洋性气候、大陆性气候 和地中海气候影响。 法国全国划分成 101 个省( departement), 96个本土省, 5 个海外省。为了便于整合,法国 又设立了大区( 26 个)。巴黎是法国的心脏,从很多意义来说,政治、经济、文化中心,交 通大枢纽,人口最集中地区(大巴黎地区“法兰西岛”拥有全国 20%人口)。巴黎人有天生 的优越感,把法国其他地方的人称为外省人” 。Pari


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