海底总动员 finding nemo 中英文剧本讲课教案.pdf

海底总动员 finding nemo 中英文剧本讲课教案.pdf

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__________________________________________________ 海底总动员 Finding Nemo 中英文剧本 -Wow. -Mmm. 哇! -Wow. -Mm-hmm. 哇! -Wow. Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. It's beautiful. 哇! 够了啦,马林我看到了,真的很美 So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view... 珊瑚,你说你想看到海景 没想到会是整片大海吧? you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you? Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. 太舒服了,在这儿能呼吸新鲜空气 Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? 你老公真有一套,对吧? - My man delivered. - And it wasn't so easy. 他真是没话说 这可是得来不易呀 Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. 因为好多小丑鱼都在抢这地方 You better believe they did... every single one of them. 千万别怀疑,每一条都在抢 You did good. 你真行,而且这儿的环境超优 And the neighborhood is awesome. So, you do like it, don't you? 你到底喜不喜欢嘛? No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. 当然喜欢罗,真的很棒 But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable... 不过虽然这儿的学区很好,景观也一级棒 with the great schools and the amazing view... but do we really need so much space? 不过非要这么大的地方吗? But do we really need so much space? Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. 珊瑚,这都是为了孩子们 要嘛就要给他们最好的 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 __________________________________________________ They deserve the best. Look, look, look. 他们一睁开眼就看得到鲸鱼 They'll wake up, poke their little heads out... and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. And they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 从窗口游过去 You'll wake the kids. 你会把孩子们吵醒 Oh, right, right. 是哦 Look. They're dreaming. 你看 他们在做梦 We still have to name them. 我们还没替他们取名字 You want to name all of them right now? 你现在就要替他们取名字? All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior... 好吧 这一半就叫小马林 and this half Coral Junior. 这一半叫小珊瑚 - OK, we're done. - I like Nemo. 好了,搞定了 我喜欢尼莫这名字 Nemo. We'll name one Nemo... 尼莫? 有一个叫尼莫无所谓 其他的还是叫小马林吧 but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. Just think, in a couple of days, we're going to be parents.


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