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第四讲 │ 漫画作文 这种题型更能考查学生分析问题的能力,因此深受命题者的青睐。考生应注意认 真审题,切忌审题偏颇影响得分。高考漫画作文主要有两种类型: 1. 讽刺型漫画,引 发考生对不良社会现象的思考; 2. 哲理型漫画,通过形象或抽象的图画,讲述道理引 发哲理性思考。此类作文首先要描述图画,然后分析图画所反映的问题或讲述的道理, 最后联系实际发表自己的观点。 1. 读图 仔细观察画面,注意细节,尤其是夸张表现的地方。注意:文字说明部分往往是重 要线索 (clues) ,切记要认真阅读! 2. 解意 (1) 辨明褒贬,找准角度 (2) 联系生活,明晰主旨 3. 谋篇 ( 一般分成三部分 ) 【常用词汇及句式】 (1) 描写画面 ( 用现在时 ) ① The picture is talking about/shows... ② The picture shows a common phenomenon... ③ The picture describes an interesting phenomenon... ④ In the picture , there is/are... ⑤ The picture above is about... ⑥ Let's look at the picture above/first. (2) 分析漫画所反映的问题 ① It seems very ridiculous that...However , this kind of story is performed everywhere. ② The picture shows that...It is the exact reflection of... ③ The picture indicates that we... ④ Nowadays , it is a common phenomenon that... ⑤ This is a satirical( 讽刺的 ) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among... (3) 表达个人观点 ① I think/believe that... ② As far as I'm concerned/In my opinion/From my point of view... ③ ...should... ④ It is better/advisable to... ⑤ I consider it necessary... 【写作模板】 As is shown in the picture above , ________( 图画的内容 ).The first thing we notice is that ________( 图画的最大特点 ).This means that ________( 进一步说明 ).The implied meaning of the picture should be considered/taken into account seriously/paid more attention to.First , ________( 分析、说明原因或结果① ). Second/What's more , ________( 分析、 说明原因或结果② ).Last but not least/Finally , ________( 分析、说明原因或结果③ ).And the problem has aroused the great concern/care of the whole society/world/all the people around.In my view/As for me , we should take measures to deal with the problem shown in the picture.First , we should ________( 措施、建议、办法① ).And then we have to ________( 措施、建议、办法② ).Only in these ways can we solve/settle the problem of ________( 图画主要问题 ). (2015· 福建高考 ) 请阅读下面图画,按要求用英语写一篇词数为 120 左右的短


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